The second is to understand and respect the rules formed. Discipline builds a successful individual and helps us to achieve our goals. Value of Discipline in Student Life Speech – 1 Respected Principal, Chairman, Committee Members, Teachers and Dear Fellow Students – Warm Greetings to everyone! 10 Lines on Discipline – Set 1. Tweet. Discipline also teaches the students about the optimum utilization of time, punctuality, efficiency & dedication. Why discipline is so imperative for success. Human conduct is subject to rules of discipline. It is a habit and not an adaptation in life. In school, teachers and principals with the school management are responsible for maintaining discipline. If we stop practising discipline, our lives will be full of chaos; we will not be less than like the other animals around. Think about the last time someone blocked your car in the parking lot to avoid walking 10 meters more. Your email address will not be published. Example #1 of Speech on Value of Discipline in Student's Life. It converts weakness into strength. Which type of discipline is better? Today I would like to focus on the discipline of a student’s life, as it is one of the most important aspects of a student’s life. When combined and applied together, these help to maintain the social and personal order of events in life. Your email address will not be published. Discipline in Life - importance of discipline and its value in our life. The word discipline is originated from Latin word disciple which means follower or admirer. Controlling & handling situations in day to day life becomes difficult. Discipline word contains so much value in our life and its importance can be seen anywhere and everywhere. Discipline builds a successful individual and helps us to achieve our goals. But can you imagine, if we forget about discipline? Right from kindergarten, every stage demands discipline in students. Before going ahead of I would like to extend a warm welcome to every person present over here. This article tells the importance of discipline in our life. A positive attitude is necessary for a good life as ‘An attitude is a small thing that makes a big difference’. A disciplined effort bears fruit--goes a famous saying. Discipline in Personal Life In addition to work and professional life, discipline plays an important role in peoples' private lives as well. Note: The article will be updated often. The temporary pleasure it gives is not the genuine pleasure of freedom. First of all, let’s just express our gratitude towards the Almighty for gifting us yet another day to enjoy the morning sunshine and the beauty of our school. It is an art to control behaviour, etiquette & habits. These lines will help you to write essay on value of discipline, importance of discipline essay or to write few lines on discipline for class 1, class 2, class 3 or class 4. Discipline is very important for life. image caption The Queen will reflect on the "enormous changes" to daily life The Queen is to stress the value of self-discipline and resolve during … Discipline is an attribute that involves a definite set of rules, parameters and behavioral patterns. But it is often seen that students view discipline as restrictions rather than a lesson to learn. How one can achieve their goal with discipline. So, to make human life worthwhile, discipline has to be observed. !” If the topic makes you snort and you’re about to click elsewhere, wait a second! Disciplines are the be-all and end all of life.'s services, on the other hand, is a perfect match for all my written needs. In simple words, Discipline means following certain rules and regulations. The disciplined life is classified by success, efficiency, and better time management. It is not limited to money, riches, or poverty, but it is just a personal orientation towards life. Why discipline is so imperative for success. 1 Minute Speech on the Magnetic Pull of the Cross! Posted under: Speech. Value of Discipline in our life. Have a great evening! Families and teachers have to work hard to help children learn discipline in their everyday activities. Regarded Principal, Chairman, Committee Members, Teachers, and Dear Fellow Students – Warm Greetings to everybody! Discipline is very important to have success in life. Required fields are marked *, Copyright © 2021 | About | ToS | Privacy Policy | Disclosure | Contact | Sitemap. One cannot imagine having success without having discipline in life. Have a wonderful day. Use can even use these lines to write discipline essay for class 10 also. The Value of Discipline in life. Hello everyone. Discipline makes life harmonious and useful. It means you should know whether he is attending school or not, doing his work on time and various other aspects. 10 Lines on Value of Discipline in Student Life Speech in English Discipline is very important to have success in life. Much thank you to all of you. Discipline must be learn from TS ECET 2021 Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme, Question, Mode, UKSEE 2021 Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme, Question Type, Mode, MH CET 2021 Syllabus, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, MP PAT 2021 Syllabus, Agriculture, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, [Updated*] MP PPT 2021 Syllabus, Physics, Chemistry & Maths. Above all, discipline should be self-imposed. Human society cannot exist if its members are not amenable to discipline. Value of Discipline in Student Life Speech is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Very few practice self-discipline. The controlled, ordered behaviour results from such training. Firs… It helps the person to climb the stairs of success. In all spheres, discipline is a vital necessity. It is not limited to money, riches, or poverty, but it is just a personal orientation towards life. Answer: Discipline is important to achieve the target and get success in life. The concept of discipline is as old as as man's wish to form a civilized society. Disciplined actions will lead us to the routes that work best for all of us in the interests of our life. Discipline is of the greatest importance in schools, colleges, and everyday life. The writers are reliable, honest, extremely knowledgeable, and the results are always top of the class! It is necessary in schools and colleges. To start with I would welcome you all and also thank you for giving me this marvelous opportunity. Still, we see that many incidents reflect indiscipline. Discipline is a student’s life is important and we all are well aware of it. It varies for all of us according to the priority. This article tells you the real meaning of discipline. With out discipline life we can not work smoothly. Twitter. Man is a social animal who knows the discipline of life, which makes us very different from the other animals. The word ‘Discipline’ is derived from ‘disciple’. So let us practice it from the very beginning with lots of hardship & dedication, which will lead us in the path of success. Speech on Value of Discipline in Student Life: Discipline is very important in all stages of life. Many successful people attribute their success to discipline. In the end, I would like to thank you all for giving me this opportunity. Discipline or Self-discipline is one of the highest traits of human personality. Remember to start and end this speech with a greeting and thanking people for giving their precious time. As we scroll down, we will come across paragraphs guiding us through a better meaning and the ultimate necessity of discipline in life. Some Moral Values Discipline Discipline is an essential part of our life. A student must obey all the rules & regulations of the school. Induced discipline is something which we learn from others by observing them while self-discipline is derived from within, which learn by our self. Question 4. _____ Value of Discipline Essay in 500 Words. Also, a disciplined person can control and handle the situation of living in a sophisticated way than those who do not. In this article there are example of some famous disciplined personalities who become the example to everyone. [Updated*] CMAT Syllabus 2021, Section Wise Syllabus & Exam Pattern, TANCET 2021 Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme, Question Type, Mode, [Updated*] TS Polycet 2021 Syllabus, Physics, Chemistry, Maths, JET Agriculture 2021 Syllabus, Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics. But the indiscipline is not always a mistake on the part of the child. An educational institution cannot run without discipline. When the sense of discipline start bringing a sort of change in your personality you become great leader, best student and unbreakable chain for the army. Without this order, there would be utter chaos. Pinterest. Life without discipline is no life. It is plausible that discipline shapes the life of a person and creates a uniformity in life, as it designs the life of a person in systematic way. Good evening friends and my dear colleagues, This is a special workshop organized by your company to improve our inherited value of discipline in it. It converts weakness into strength. Parents, elders of the family and the teachers are the first persons to introduce the sense of discipline to the children. Discipline helps us to present ourselves before others in a respectable manner. Value of Discipline in Student Life Speech – 1. 260 Words Short Essay on the Value of Discipline in Life. It is of great importance in all spheres of life. It should come from within. Employees who concentrate on their work rather than interfering in their colleague’s finish their work on time and do not have to sit beyond the working hours. Paragraph on Discipline: While dreams and desires in life give us purpose, discipline molds and polish our path to attain that purpose. After all one should understand the value of discipline to get success in life. Indiscipline leads to distraction from the goal of life & makes our lives miserable. 21 Shares. He is an individual annihilated, not disciplined.” -Maria Montessori. Discipline is a way of life, where one tries to be on time and live systematically. Discipline is action or inaction that is regulated to be in accordance (or to achieve accord) with a particular system of governance.Discipline is commonly applied to regulating human and animal behavior to its society or environment it belongs. Oct 28, 2019 - Find Speech on Value of Discipline in student life. It blesses him who practises it on all occasions. Hello! Mukesh NotesEra July 5, 2017 English Essays, Paragraph Writing No Comments. My best regards to everyone present. You are not only in the good books of your superiors but also become a source of inspiration for your fellow workers. Discipline builds up a good character & positive attitude in students which is very crucial. In life, everything is important, but discipline should go hand-in-hand. The value of discipline today. Good morning to every last one of you presents over here. If there is no discipline among the members of the society or the state. The problem of indiscipline brings on the bad image of the student as well as the institution. If a person is disciplined in his or her life, he or she becomes more active and vivid. For a student, discipline is reaching school & finishing the homework on time. As you grow up you will see that there is no one to imply strict discipline on you but you need to imply self-discipline. It needs a positive mind & lots of motivation. A disciplined student gets different attention from teachers as well as fellow students. For the quality and vigour of time in youth will never return. Will this world be able to move forward without discipline? Discipline is a great virtue. Speech on Discipline: One of the essential traits in life is to develop discipline. Paragraph on Discipline – 200 Words for Classes 6, 7, 8 Students. Life without self discipline is waste . Students must listen to their teachers so that they will not end up in any hardship. It is quite indispensable to peaceful and orderly co-existence of human beings. For a student, money, luxury, availability of material objects is of no use. Discipline is an essential quality both in our private and public life. It does not necessarily mean that the child will not lead to success. In the end, I would just like to say that, to have a successful and happy life, discipline in the life of students is very important. You rather need to make the student aware of the importance of discipline. Discipline refers to the set of rules we all set for our lives. It means following up a set of rules and regulations and keeping pace with time. Teachers and student must come to the school at a fixed hour every day, and observe the rules of the institution. Without it nothing can be made or properly maintained. Moreover, if you have a plan and you want to implement it in your life then you need discipline. विद्यार्थी जीवन में अनुशासन के महत्व पर भाषण (Speech on Value of Discipline in Student Life in Hindi) भाषण – 1. It is one of the essentials of life. First of all, let’s just express our gratitude towards the Almighty for gifting us yet another day to enjoy the morning sunshine and the beauty of our school. You will get to see what are the advantages of being disciplined as a Student. A well-disciplined individual shows punctuality and impactful traits in his work. Without discipline, the life of a person will become dull and inactive. Discipline teaches us the value of time & its importance in everyone’s life. To conclude, I would like to say that it is important to understand discipline in student life as a responsibility, only then the problem can be solved and the application can be started. A disciplined life is a key to have success at every stage of life be it student or adult. Small acts like wearing a neat uniform, combing hairs properly, listening to others, be on time, respect others, follow guidelines, and various others are all part of being in the discipline. Value of Discipline in our Life . To be disciplined, it does not mean that you have to do something extraordinary. 200 words Essay on Discipline in students life. Learning discipline right from childhood days is extremely important. We become lazy & every course of action of ours is delayed. Discipline is everything which we do on the correct route and in perfect time. Discipline should be maintained in every walk of life. Today world they become the role modal of youths. It is a habit and not an adaptation in life. Without it life at home will become miserable. ADVERTISEMENTS: A sense of discipline must be instilled in early childhood – discipline teaches us to be respectful to authority – helps us to be orderly and punctual – teaches us to co-operate with authorities and companions – things run smoothly- helps to build up character. Without discipline, life becomes dull & inactive. Similarly, at home, it is the duty of parents and guardians. You see, it is important to be aware of the child’s daily activities. Recently Updated on February 19, 2020 by Jacob. Thank you all for taking out time and being a part of this session. It can be used at personality building and attitude development classes as well to make students aware of why discipline is important. 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In a student’s life, the discipline is always catered as a guide to focus on their goals. We should be regular in our habits of food and sleep. Without discipline, it is not possible to carry on a meaningful life. The young minds learn self discipline very easily so children should taught self discipline right from the young age . Answer: A set of rules and regulations that are expected to be followed by the students and others refer to discipline. It is then alone that our country can progress. If a leader is himself undisciplined, he cannot even dream of becoming a beloved leader of the people. Everything happens at a specific time in his life. In this article I will explain the value of discipline in your life. It is rightly said that, “Life without discipline is just like a ship without radar”. In the academic and professional worlds a discipline is a specific branch of knowledge, learning or practice. Discipline and democracy go hand in hand. The solar system is governed by certain laws to maintain perfect harmony and beauty. Gmail. So one can practice discipline for a better life. Discipline in students’ life is very necessary. Discipline is the very foundation of society. Sometimes, it can be from the part of the teacher or parent as well. The proper growth of life is impossible if there is no discipline in it. Self-discipline is more important than imposed discipline. induced discipline & self-discipline. [Updated*] TS ECET 2021 Syllabus: Subject Wise Syllabus – Check Here! Discipline, therefore, is a basic necessity of life. If everyone acts according to his whims and fancies, there will be universal chaos. The Value of Discipline in life. Following rules and regulations are not bad, keeping pace with time are appreciated, being neat and tidy is always welcome, and all these are parts of the discipline. But many a time we fail to understand its importance. Discipline in a student’s life acts as the building block for success. Nature follows all laws of discipline. The people of developed countries are seen more disciplined. This self-discipline is necessary for health and longevity. Self discipline has to be learnt at every walk of life and childhood is the best period of it . Related posts: 154 Words Short Essay on Value of […] The answer is an absolute ‘No’. Bookmark this page to keep track of latest article updates. . Pin 4. so the student days are most formative period in which the value of self discipline can be learnt . Respected Principal, Chairman, Committee Members, Teachers and Dear Fellow Students – Warm Greetings to everyone! Discipline yourself and leave behind an inspiring legacy of success! Conclusion. This shows a lack of focus and indiscipline. As a matter of first importance, I offer our thanks towards the Almighty for gifting us one more day to appreciate the morning daylight and the magnificence of our school. - Pam, 3rd Year Art Visual Studies. An army cannot fight without strict discipline. The Need for Discipline. Life without discipline is no life. As a matter of first importance, I offer our thanks towards the Almighty for gifting us one more day to appreciate the morning daylight and the magnificence of our school. Human society cannot exist if its members are not amenable to discipline. Discipline is a student's only support. For example, discipline in a family means that the members of the family follow a certain pattern in what they do like getting up going to bed on time, having their meals on time, etc which replicates a specific routine in life. Human efforts can bear fruit only when these are carried on in a disciplined manner. In the end, let me ask you to adopt self-discipline and self-control in your lives and become the bright shining student of the institution that will bring pride to everyone. Just as an un pruned garden is no garden but only a wild forest, life without discipline is mere existence which even inanimate objects and animals and bacteria have. In simple terms, discipline refers to following a certain set of rules and regulations and binding by the time, to complete the task allotted and achieves success. Discipline in students life attract all the right things, and because of this, students gain success in each field of their life. Discipline is necessary in every sphere of life. It is the key to all progress. Below we have provided a speech on Discipline, written in easy and simple words, suitable for class 7, 8, 9 and 10 school students. Discipline is the backbone of the political life of a nation. so the student days are most formative period in which the value of self discipline can be learnt . Are you kidding me? For a student, money, luxury, availability of material objects is of no use. The teachers should show proper respect t to the Principal. So discipline should be enforced on children at home. Value of Discipline in Student Life Speech is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. Respect for a person comes from the discipline he poses in this society. It teaches a person how to manage his work effectively and efficiently. Image Credit:- Google Image. Families and teachers have to work hard to help children learn discipline in their everyday activities. Indiscipline is not always the mistake at part of students but also the part of an unorganized family. Share 17. My name is …………, today I am going to speak on the topic Discipline. A Speech for School Children on the Importance of Discipline in Life No one has become successful and maintained it without discipline. So one can practice discipline for a better life. Good morning honorable Principal, respected teachers and my dear student! Discipline is the basis of the whole universe. 5 Reason Why Discipline Is Important and Its Value In Our Life. It stands for self-restraint. We sometimes see that few students always delay in completing the work. In simple words, it means to keep orderliness of your life. It is a ubiquitous word which we come across often. If everyone acts according to his whims and fancies, there will be universal chaos. How one can achieve their goal with discipline. The Value of Discipline Discipline is the process of training oneself in obedience, self control, skill, etc. If you are thinking that imposing some penalties on students is the solution, then my dear friend you are wrong. We cannot rear up good children, if there is no discipline. Discipline is a student's only support. A systematic, planned process counts a lot in the hard struggle of life. Related posts: 155 Words essay on the […] Being aware of these shows, strong organized family but if the same is not seen it means the unorganized family which is the reason for the bad situation. Discipline is necessary in all spheres of life. It is important as this is an enlightening speech that can be used by students, teachers, or school management to make them aware of the importance of discipline. It means following up a set of rules and regulations and keeping pace with time. You can find a lot of Discipline essays on the Internet explaining the Importance of Discipline, but instead of reading those long paragraphs you can take help from the points given below. Discipline being so important let us all be disciplined. Lack of discipline causes disaster and disorder in human life. So my dear friends learn to adjust yourself to the given situations in life. The Value of Discipline in School Life. Discipline is a way of life, where one tries to be on time and live systematically. Self-discipline means different things to different people. The fact is that no one can succeed in the hard struggle of life without regularity and orderliness. Outline: A sense of discipline must be instilled in early childhood – discipline teaches us to be respectful to authority – helps us to be orderly and punctual -teaches us to co-operate with authorities and companions – things run smoothly-helps to build up character. A house, where there is no discipline, is just like a hell. Essay on value & Importance of Discipline in Student life with Quotes Discipline can be defined as the ability of a person to do a thing or complete a task in a per-planned and predefined time-frame. Also, a short speech of 100-150 words has been given. Value of discipline is not just obeying the instructions but to oversee what you have done and how much of your work is worth it. The first step is to honor and follow people. Discipline inculcates in us virtues of honesty, humility and a sense of responsibility. It is often quoted that discipline turns into the ability to achievement. Discipline in Personal Life In addition to work and professional life, discipline plays an important role in peoples' private lives as well. It is the exercise of best time management skills by an individual to … Discipline is a word we hear in our daily life. Courts, offices, auditoriums, and even private houses have to maintain discipline. The self-discipline has a different definition for a person. everybody shall do what he/she likes. For many of you, this word discipline means something you practice and preach daily and for a few of you it might seem something that is ignored or not scrupulously followed as I know I am right on addressing this part. Students should be respectful to their teachers. 1) Discipline means living the life with proper rules and regulations. As a teacher in this school, it is my duty to realize the importance of discipline in my life to the students. It won’t be wrong to say, that one undisciplined child can because of shame to the whole group. Imperative & one of the greatest importance in all stages of life invest the of. There is a student ’ s life, goals & problems discipline and. Part of the Cross student the value of discipline in student life Speech in English discipline is as as! Work effectively and speech on value of discipline in life quoted that discipline turns into the ability to achievement development classes well! Imagine, if there is no discipline, therefore, is a perfect match for of... Discipline 2 see answers 558044 558044 discipline is the demonstration of living a. Are responsible for maintaining discipline better than forcefully imposing discipline, is a student students also... Also starts getting success is a key to have a plan and ’! 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