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rabbit poop smaller than usual

Give your bunny malt flavored cat hairball remedy, 1 inch 2 to 3 times a day for 2 days. Everyone was happy. So it’s important to become familiar with your own rabbit’s poop, so you can be very clear about what is normal for your rabbit. I’ve already decreased her pellet intake significantly and increased her hay intake- which has been working out perfectly. We began the bonding process with quick dates, but that meant Pudge was eating his dinner salad in a new (neutral) location with a new companion. Small poop also arises with mostly dry foods (dried herbs, seeds, etc. It is composed of small, soft, shiny pellets, each coated with a layer of rubbery mucus, and pressed into an elongate mass. She have been eating and drinking well. Are you using a different cut of hay perhaps? Rabbit teeth: Everything you need to know. Maybe it has to do with the fact that they are ingesting so much hair. I noticed my rabbit has some poops that are much smaller than usual. Good luck- I hope you’re seeing full size poops very soon ! GI stasis, if it develops can kill a rabbit within 12-24 hours so any change in your rabbit’s intake and output deserves close attention, including small poop. I have a 6 year old female dwarf. I’ve noticed that BunBun’s poops get smaller when he’s shedding a lot- I’ve heard others mention it too. Sometimes very small rabbits will produce fecal pellets that are bigger than the droppings of a 10 lb rabbit. Rabbits do not ordinarily re-ingest fecal pellets, though a few bunnies seem to enjoy an occasional fecal pellet hors d’ouevre with no harm. My bunnies poops sometimes change in size I have found if i leave for a few days or one is stressed out for another reason, soemtimes it shows in smaller poops. If this is the case, your rabbit's bottom should be dirty, too. Is it OK to Pick a Rabbit up by its Scruff? Was told he might be stressed as he shows by biting and scratching. The odd smaller poo here and there is nothing to worry about but if all of them are smaller than normal (normal being about pea sized) or much harder or … In this article, learn about the possible causes, as well as treatments and home remedies. . Is my rabbit fat? Worried and not sure what's happening? YOUR PATIENCE IS APPRECIATED. He then went defiantly to the bottom of the stairs, sat there, and looked up to where he knew Banjo’s personal stash was. *Please note that it will be helpful to the understanding of this disease if you first read the Care of Rabbits handout in order to understand the normal diet of the house rabbit. He was pooping a lot and the poop looked slightly bigger. Rabbits need huge amounts of h ay and very little of the other stuff that people like to feed bunnies. Pudge continued to stubbornly sit by the door behind which the treasure lay. Why Do Rabbits Eat Poop? ). My rabbit has wet fur under his mouth. Why, in the name of all things bunny, is this bowl empty, Mom? Cause of Intermittent Soft Cecotropes (ISC) Pudge continued to eat his greens and remained active. She ate a little then start to the toilet. A rabbit's poop can tell you a great deal about the health of that rabbit. If they are ever malformed, it is usually indicative of some health problem that needs immediate attention. Learn more about what your rabbit’s poop should look like here in this pictorial guide. Is this something I should consider as well? I managed to get a little water in and I saw him drink from his bowl, but just once. All about rabbits, rodents, hares and more! The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. I put water bowls next to the bag of “good hay” several others around his usual spots. SOME THINGS WILL LOOK WEIRD AND/OR NOT BE CORRECT. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist. I don’t think you need the simethicone for this. Hi everyone! He is having sores on his foot and I dress up the wound everyday. I paid attention to that but figured he would relent. However, small rabbit poop may also indicate dehydration, pain, or something worse such as an intestinal blockage or impending GI stasis. First, a little background into why Pudge began acting…, well, acting up. So I would take her in for a full physical and have her teeth checked as well. Why can’t I have the hay in the bag, Mom?”. Mine change their poop sizes now and then…it depends on what I feed them. I will stick with this increased hay and wet veggie diet for a few days and see if it helps! Our plan is to begin the bonding process with Pudge and then formally adopt Banjo. Pebble, or pellet, bowel movements aren’t usually a reason to worry, but they likely mean stool is moving through your intestines at a slower pace than usual. Dehydration can cause smaller poops too. Besides, he had been eating most of Banjo’s hay; he was probably just taking a break. Small rabbit poop may be temporary and due to stress. This is where I eat, and this is when I eat! Poop consists of waste products that are being eliminated from the body. Brown hare poo Usually, they have a brown color, which can sometimes be lighter or darker. Oh, no – this was that other bunny’s hay. PitStop had small poops when I came back from vacation, couple days later they were back to his regular size. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. That is actually a change in diet I wouldn’t worry, but as Sarita says, it is never any harm in having teeth checked now and then. Usually they get back to normal in a couple of days- if they don’t, or if the poops become really tiny or the bunny is pooping less and less, I would call the vet. Know Your Rabbit is an informational blog by Michele Ross: animal lover, rescue/adoption proponent, and bunny-mom. I have never noticed this before. I brought him back downstairs to show him his hay. Cecotropes are full of nutrients that a rabbit needs. Cecotrope pellets. Loose stools may be a cause for concern if the diarrhea lasts longer than two weeks or when it is in conjunction with bleeding, weight loss or symptoms that keep you awake at night. (Spoiler: As I write this, we have made plans to acquire the same hay, which originally was not available to us as it is not commercially sold.). Small, brown round, balls, almost odourless, with no liquid component These are the usual type of rabbit poops we'd think of, or you would see when walking in fields; they are mainly made up of undigested hay or food. It … But still, the water intake concerned me. While stress is a more likely cause of small rabbit poop (especially in the absence of other symptoms) you must always monitor this closely! Since those dates, Pudge and Banjo have happily eaten out of the same bowl without a single spat. Use the Size-O-Meter to find out! What are we about? Over the afternoon, I realized Pudge was eating hay to beat the band, but he was still not drinking water like he usually does. Pet rabbits often seem to chew on anything they can get their teeth into. If they have been fed cabbage, the poops are really big eg. That is why owners obsess over the size, quantity and quality of their rabbits' poop. In the cup of my hand). So,I was worried if she do not eat. She been there for awhile but only small amount of poop. We will look into this a little further below. Is it bad to put your rabbit on its back? The picky eating and low water intake continued throughout the day. He has lost weight. That way, when something is not quite right, you will notice right away and be able to take the right steps to help. I often see people mentioning baby gas medicine with simethicone. A while later, I could not find Pudge in any of his usual spots. Unless a rabbit has a physical problem, oftentimes the cause of less-than-perfect-pooties is a lack of fiber in the diet or too much starch. One thing I would consider doing at her age if you haven’t had an annual well check up is to have one done. Thankfully, Pudge was still eating greens and peeing and pooping. Things were going just great! Size: Less than 1cm. My rabbit just gave birth. If you see small rabbit poop, your course of action should be to: watch your rabbit closely for several hours, be alert to any other signs that something may be wrong, encourage water intake, encourage food intake including hay and greens, and monitor his output. Ceceotrope pellets are smaller and oblong. You have the very same kind of Hay downstairs.” Silly boy. She also smaller than before. Her bowl full with pellets and hay. How cute is this? Rabbit sex demystified. While they may be small… The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. I put the mixed hay with the rest of Banjo’s hay supply that was still in the bag and that Pudge knew contained the good stuff. Help! This is my bowl. I soaked two small pieces of watermelon in water and fed him those. Pebble poop is small, pellet-like stool, and it is usually a sign of constipation. In addition you may wish to read the handout Hairballs in Rabbits for a more complete description of gastrointestinal tract function in the rabbit. Small rabbit poop is not normal and can be due to a variety of reasons. Analyzing your rabbit's fecal pellets is a good way of diagnosing whether all is right with your rabbit's health. If the stool is watery, then diarrhea is present. He isn't as energetic as usual. Thankfully, the poop problem should clear up on its own. Fright, loud noises, or anything else that shakes up your rabbit’s world may be to blame. How often depends on the rabbit’s age, neuter status, and health. They are rich in minerals, vitamins, proteins, water, and bacteria. He promptly showed that bowl the rump. Read more about what to feed your rabbit here. There is little correlation between the size of the rabbit and the size of their poop. Poop, also known as stool or feces, is a normal part of the digestive process. While this is a slight exaggeration, rabbits do poop more often than most other household pets. Check out VET RESOURCES. Of course, I let him munch – until I feared I would find a bag full of nothing but fat bunny. The size of your bunny … The increase of hay/wet veggies/water and decrease of pellets always seem to help my BunBun. My rabbits poop is smaller in size than usual › Forum › HOUSE RABBIT Q & A › My rabbits poop is smaller in size than usual This topic has 8sd replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 2 months ago by Dee . Last time we were there, about 2 months ago, all bloodwork etc came back perfect! I decided to mix some of the new hay with his old hay but the little stinker nosed through it and refused to eat any of. As with everything related to bunny care – Know your rabbit! Hay that comes in a fancy bag! But, Pudge needed more water.   These special feces contain more protein and vitamins than normal poops have, so by consuming its cecotropes (and a healthy diet), a rabbit is getting all of the important nutrients that it needs to stay healthy. At her age it would be smart to do an annual exam every year since she is getting older – she’s not elderly by any means but she is getting older and the older they get the more problems they can have. When I shared Banjo’s hay with him, he ate and ate and ate. BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! My rabbits poop is smaller in size than usual, My rabbits poop is smaller in size than usual!-->, This topic has 8sd replies, 7 voices, and was last updated. {sigh…}. They also tend to have a characteristic and strong odor, while typical rabbit feces only produces a very slight odor. One week ago, we brought home a foster bunny whom we call Banjo. If your rabbit’s feces do not improve within 2 days, or if they get worse (smaller) or stop altogether – or if her appetite diminishes – contact your rabbit vet IMMEDIATELY. You can shop items right from that article, or here at KnowYourRabbit’s US Amazon Store and here for KnowYourRabbit’s UK store. Others may see dark green or even black poop in their rabbit, but this doesn't necessarily mean there is a problem. As we have discussed, a rabbit’s digestive system is very unique and must be kept in working order. Small rabbit poop may be temporary and due to stress. So, I put a bowl of water there too. But then, I noticed Pudge completely stopped eating his own hay. A healthy rabbit will produce on average 200-300 hard pellets a day. That was from us, but was premature as the login was not working at that time. This was no ordinary hay, mind you. This rabbit poop is smaller than usual. This Forum and Store have separate secure Sign Ins. But, Pudge rummaged past my hay mixture until he got to the middle of the bag where the good grass was. I just change the litterbox very frequently so I can keep track of how much he’s going, and watch for any decrease in appetite or bloating of the belly. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I had to dump the hay out onto the floor and let him eat there so he didn’t suffocate in a plastic bag. He is not allowed to play outside his cage as I … Urinating outside the litter box. Rabbits urinate between 2 and 8 times per day. I syringe fed some water to Pudge and the side of my pants and the chair we were on. Is the smaller sized poop a cause for alarm? I decided to bring Pudge back downstairs and remind him of the hay he already has. I tend to bring her once every 6 months. They should be uniform in size and shape which means rounded and pea to garbanzo sized. How is his energy level? Is she getting enough water? And this is Pudge, the inspiration behind it all. Finally, he started drinking out of his bowl! Otherwise, everything seemed ok. Knowing this could be temporary and due to the change in Pudge’s world, I chose to simply monitor him. I continued with wet greens (which he ate like usual). Veterinarian's Assistant: I'll do all I can to help. However, small rabbit poop may also indicate dehydration, pain, or something worse such as an intestinal blockage or impending GI stasis. Hay from the land beyond; hay the likes of which has never been seen before! And so, Pudge told me in no uncertain terms, “I want it!”. Thanks to everyone for advice! The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. Rabbit Poop Smaller Than Usual Rabbits are flighty prey animals that can very easily be frightened or stressed. “Once the pet has passed the offending items through his GI tract, all systems return to normal,” Huggins says. “Diarrhea is common after eating bad food or from an infection and should not last more than a week in most instances,” Braha explained. Do Rabbits go into heat? Rabbit poo is very small – only pea-sized – and is usually black, light-brown or green in colour. Small poop may be temporary, but it could also indicate something more serious is going on. We are not fully ready to answer questions in a timely manner as we are not officially open, but we will do our best. Despite this, she is still pooping as much as she always does, still eating all her food and still acting completely normal. You may have received a 2-factor authentication (2FA) email from us on 4/21/2020. Within a movement or two, the pellets should return to their normal size. I went upstairs, and in the guest bedroom, I saw this: At first, Pudge’s tenacious efforts to get to the new hay were funny. Vets often consider testing rabbit poop as a part of their medical checkup, and this is also the same with humans. After 6 day, she seem to be having difficulty to poop. It is filled with plant and grass pieces. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist. There are two different types of rabbit poop. › Forum › HOUSE RABBIT Q & A › My rabbits poop is smaller in size than usual. Normal rabbit poop should be round and not too soft. (Yes, I did. We are not fully ready to answer questions in a timely manner as we are not officially open, but we will do our best. I cleaned his litter pan and I cleaned and filled his water bowl so I could watch for changes. I soaked some of Pudge’s favorite greens in water and he ate those readily. That’s just the beauty of affiliate marketing! For this reason, Pudge’s daily routine, which is pretty ritualized, is changing a little. That's why a rabbit that suddenly stops eating is a big concern. A healthy rabbit will pee between 2-8 times a day, so it’s best to compare this to your own rabbit’s urination habits. The Importance of Rabbit Poop. Please note that this post contains affiliate links and any sales made through such links will reward me a small commission – at no extra cost for you. Normal poop can vary in size between 7 and 12 mm, depending on your rabbit. Everything else is … Please Read – IMPORTANT FORUM INFORMATION. Being in such situations can cause a bowel movement to produce smaller than usual pellets. These are very easy to clean and do not leave any bad smell. Her diet has not changed at all- except for the fact that I have been feeding her significantly less pellets and much more hay the past few days. Please read about our Forum Culture and check out the Rules. The rabbit eats them straight from the anus so in a normal situation you will not see them. Rabbits do 2 different types of poos: Fecal Pellets. Perhaps it is due to her new diet, so what you see now is what her poop will look like in the future. He isn't really eating his hay though he will eat pellets or veg and drink. My rabbit is a dwarf. It usually indicates a low food intake, which must be treated or treated through veterinary treatment and dietary changes (causes in the diet). Peeing more frequently than usual. The short dinner soirees actually progressed well with just a few bunny punches and honks on the first couple of dates. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. A short time later, he went and loafed in one of his old favorite spots by a vent. Your rabbit might be peeing more than usual, they might seem to be going only a little bit at a time though. The smaller size poop could be a cause for alarm if it continues and she has other symptoms. Rabbits produce more than a hundred poop pellets per day due to their high-fiber diet. About 50% to 75% less than regular size. She is still acting 100% normal, eating a ton, and pooping like crazy. Simethicone would be if you suspect she may have gas. A normal cecotrope resembles a dark brown mulberry, or tightly bunched grapes. If there is a problem, you'll notice your bunnies' pooties getting smaller and smaller. What vitamins and minerals does my Rabbit need? By evening, I was hand-feeding him herbs soaked in water and then I left a sprig of oregano in his water bowl. Average sized bunnies will make 200-300 poops per day. Please note that this post contains affiliate links and any sales made through such links will reward me a small…. Their feces are round, dry, and odor-free. Fright, loud noises, or anything else that shakes up your rabbit’s world may be to blame. Some may see their rabbit has softer pellets than usual, but the color is the same. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. I even tried to hand feed him water. It may not seem like a big deal if your dog, cat, or other pet skips a meal, but if a rabbit does, it may be an indication of an emergency situation. You must be logged in to reply to this topic. This bunny poop is not round and soft, but very lean and hard as a rock. What to do if you notice small rabbit poop Rabbit poops are in the form of small balls that are uniform in appearance, dry, and hard to touch. I took the mixed hay and went upstairs with Pudge hopping up behind me. You never know when you will need it (but it will likely be when everything is closed) and you want to be prepared. 23 ways to discourage your rabbit from digging up your carpet. When did you first notice this decrease in the rabbit's appetite? Oh, how cute, I thought. With an optimal diet for an abundance of hay, a small amount of nutrient dense pellet food, fresh greens and lots of water, your rabbit will poop healthy and freely. They are dry and crumbly. As alarming as that sounds, this is a normal amount of poop for a rabbit to eliminate. Rabbit poop tends to vary in texture and consistency. Don’t have a vet? While this definitely warrants a trip to the vet, there are a few things you can do in the meantime to possibly help your bunny feel better. How to safely pick up your rabbit to prevent injury. Look out for rabbit droppings scattered at latrines, which are often near burrow entrances. She also poop everyday. Cecotropes are often a bit smaller than normal feces (technically, they aren’t feces at all), and they’re often smooshed together into a single mass. OUR FORUM IS UP BUT WE ARE STILL IN THE MIDDLE OF UPDATING AND FIXING THINGS. My Rabbit's poop is smaller than the usual size. This typically causes other non-rabbit people to look at us very strangely. His poops are looking smaller than usual. Common Things Your Vet May Do or Prescribe Sometimes a change in diet will cause the fecals to change color or size. Image Source Similar to humans, rabbits may be checked for any medical condition or rule out any illness by evaluating their poop. And know that I think of it, sometimes smaller poops can indicate dental problems and if she is a dwarf and she is older, this is certainly a possibility and worth checking out. PS: She does get annual checkups. “But my hay comes in a box and Banjo gets his hay from a bag. By the next morning, he was draining his water at his usual pace and his poop returned to a respectable size. Read full details through the link at the bottom of my home page and thank you for being here! Smelly soft grape-like cecotropes (also called soft cecal pellets) coated with a thin layer of mucus that are produced in the cecum. Rabbits usually produce cecotropes at the same time each day, often at night hence they are sometimes called "night droppings", but in pet rabbits, it is dependent on their daily routine and feeding times. In addition to traditional rabbit poop, your rabbit will also poop cecotrope pellets that are smaller than traditional rabbit poop. “But, Pudge, this hay is for Banjo. I knew things were turning around so I relaxed a bit. There are many reasons why a rabbit’s poop might reduce in size and end up being more rounded than usual. For the past few days, her poop has been smaller in size than usual. The most bestest hay in the world. Usually, if you see the small dark poop (cecotropes) in addition to regular pellets, it means your rabbit is overweight and can't get all the cecotropes because he can't reach very well. I put Banjo’s stash in the guest bedroom and closed the door. One of the softer leaf types? By the way, if you do not yet have your rabbit emergency kit, stop everything, read this article and get your kit ready. Was probably just taking a break few days, her poop has been working out perfectly side of home... Teeth checked as well being in such situations can cause a bowel movement to smaller... She always does, still eating all her food and still acting 100 % normal, ” says. Safely pick up your rabbit 's appetite a time though is to begin the process! Them straight from the body rabbit is an informational blog by Michele Ross: animal,... 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