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financial literacy glossary

Financial Aid Glossary; Financial Literacy; Salary Surfer - California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office . This financial glossary gives better, more precise, and simple-to-understand meanings of financial terminology. Personal financial literacy is important — no ifs, ands, or buts. Maryland State Curriculum for Personal Financial Literacy Education. The single largest source of health coverage in the United States; it is a joint federal and state program that, together with the Children’s Health Insurance Program, provides health coverage to low income Americans, including children, pregnant women, parents, seniors, and individuals with disabilities. Can be a synonym for occupation. A card on which you load money in advance to spend. A certificate or credential that an educational institution awards after a student completes formal schooling lasting from a few weeks to two years after high school. A paper order to a bank or credit union to pay someone from a checking account. One common example of a wire transfer fraud is the “grandparent scam.” This is when a scammer posing as a grandchild or a friend of a grandchild calls to say they are in a foreign country, or in some kind of trouble, and need money wired or sent right away. Money that students receive based on academic or other achievements to help pay education expenses. A. Development > for students > financial literacy > banking basics > banking glossary. Access the National Financial Educators Council financial literacy dictionary and activities that improve financial vocabulary - complimetnary. Bank . FINANCIAL LITERACY . Each $100 you pay typically buys $100 worth of the fund — not $100 minus the fee (up to $5.75, normally) pocketed by a broker. When you use a credit card, you’re borrowing money. If you have multiple credit card accounts or loans, consolidation may be a way to simplify or lower payments. Credit history: A list of your debts and regular monthly expenses, including how much you owe and how timely you make your payments. Difference between total imports and total exports of goods and services. WCPS Media Center Collection. Home Toggle Dropdown. A common warning sign is a letter asking you to send money or personal information now to receive something of value later. When you set a financial goal, you are deciding what you want to use your money for. This article is an attempt to create a glossary of financial terms, which is both compact as well as comprehensive. Automatic Teller Machine (ATM): An unattended electronic machine, at which a customer can perform bank transactions 24 hours a day. The lender can also engage in debt collection, file negative information on your credit report, and may sue you. When someone steals your Social Security number to file a tax return claiming a fraudulent refund; may also be called tax-filing-related identity theft. Financial LiteracyReview our lists of resources to help you learn more about financial literacy, including government websites, books, professional associations and more.GlossaryUnsure of what a phrase or word means that you're constantly coming across? If you don't see any interesting for you, use our search form on bottom ↓ . A single project or task for which a worker is hired to work on demand. When a caller disguises the information shown on your caller ID to appear as though they are calling as a certain person or from a specific location. Money made from working for someone who pays you or from running a business or farm. This tax can increase the costs of those products, which ultimately can be passed on to consumers as higher prices. Glossary. A plastic card used to make purchases at businesses (like grocery stores and gas stations) with money in your checking account. 401(k) Plan: A retirement savings plan established by an employer in which employees set aside a percentage of pay in an account that earns interest. … Building Credit Toggle Dropdown. Liabilities –things that are owed; financial obliga-tions that must be paid. Learn more. Liquidity – the ease with which a financial asset can be turned into cash Glossary … For example, a closed-loop card might be good only at a specific store or group of stores or on your public transportation system. A set amount of money you receive at the same time each week or month. bank. A percentage of a sum borrowed that is charged by a lender or merchant for letting you use its money. A type of 529 plan that allows families to pay tuition ahead of time for specific colleges or college systems at today’s tuition rates. A mutual fund with no percentage-of-purchase sales charge. Financial literacy is the ability to use knowledge and skills to manage one’s financial resources effectively for lifetime financial security. To have good value for the amount of money you paid. The amount that credit card companies charge for the use of a credit card. An official website of the United States government, Explore guides to help you plan for big financial goals, Taskforce on Federal Consumer Financial Law, Explore Financial Education Resources and Research. Learn more. Goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timebound. Standard 2. Credit report: A report that reflects your credit history. A salary is a fixed sum paid for a specific period of time worked, such as weekly or monthly. While a prepaid card might look like a debit or credit card, there are differences. A degree usually awarded for at least four years of full-time academic study beyond high school. Someone who gets the data might use it for identity theft. For knowledge, financial literacy is defined by an understanding of the core concepts of personal finance—interest rates, credit scores, and the purpose of an emergency fund, for instance. again. There are two types... A. Like a 401(k) or IRA retirement plan, your account could go up or down depending on market performance. A manufacturer’s warranty is a promise from that company to pay for some repairs or services. The expenses and losses that are not reimbursed by insurance. Loan - a finance agreement where a person borrows money from a lender and pays it back in instalments (plus interest) within a specified period of time. Print; Email; Published: 29 July 2019 Last Updated: 29 July 2019 by Anna K. 524. glossary . Superannuation - money set aside for retirement, that must be paid into a complying superannuation fund. everfi financial literacy glossary term 3. Money looks different in different places around the world. But a debt consolidation loan does not erase your debt. 360 Degrees of Financial Literacy is a FREE PROGRAM of the nation's certified public accountants to help Americans understand their personal finances through every stage of life. Council for Economic Education, 2017. Peers can answer basic money management questions and help you create a personal spending plan. It can cause you to spend more money than you can afford. Money owed to taxpayers when their total tax payments are greater than the total tax. Why is Financial Literacy Important? A financial plan that helps you track your money, make informed spending decisions, and plan for your financial goals. Rebranded as “high-yield” bonds, they typify Wall Street’s love of a good euphemism. A financial plan allows you to set and attain short-term objectives (those within one year) and long-term goals based upon known and presumed financial and life events. In most definitions there is a reference to a ‘set of skills’ or ‘skill set’ and ‘body of knowledge’ that helps one make informed Something you spend your money on that you expect will earn a financial return. Objects people want that they can touch or hold, such as toys, clothes, and food. Federal, state, and local taxes on income, both earned (salaries, wages, tips, commissions) and unearned (interest, dividends). A cooperative financial institution that is chartered by the National Credit Union Administration (a federal independent agency) or a state government and is owned by its individual members. Bonds with an elevated chance of default and, usually, an elevated yield. The skills and knowledge an individual may have that help in the effective management of financial resources, thereby achieving lifetime financial security. A fee your card provider charges when you use your prepaid card in a foreign country or to pay in a foreign currency. The lowest national wage as established by law in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). While you can transfer money between accounts using this service, you generally cannot deposit checks or cash. A scary test, an obscure scoring system and frightening consequences — it’s the SAT for adults. In the U.S. insurance market, coinsurance is the joint assumption of risk between the insurer and the insured. A type of investment that gives people a share of ownership in a company. DVD. To receive something on loan with the understanding that you will return it. You also can use this plan to help pay tuition at public, private, or religious schools from kindergarten through 12th grade. A service that allows you to use your smartphone or tablet to manage your bank or credit union account without the aid of a teller. The act of using money to buy goods or services. To make sure that somebody or something isn’t harmed, injured, damaged, or lost. Private loans are generally more expensive than federal loans. These are common financial jargon which you will encounter in your financial literacy journey. Money you owe another person or a business. Financial literacy is the ability to use knowledge and skills to manage one’s financial resources effectively for lifetime financial security. Baffled by buzzwords bandied about by high-finance big shots? Also called “crypto,” it’s a popular type of virtual currency that uses cryptography, a mathematical encryption process, to enhance data protection and provide what’s called pseudonymity, in which individuals are identified by a public alphanumeric key or address. It is also the total interest to be paid in a year divided by the balance due. A summary of how you've used your credit card for a billing period. Annual Fee. These loans are funded by the federal government and have terms and conditions that are set by law. This includes all the income, wages, and tips you get from working. by Bruce Horovitz, AARP Bulletin, October 8, 2018 | Comments: 0 Inflation occurs when the prices of goods and services increase over time. Financial Literacy. A service that allows you to use a secure website to manage your bank or credit union account without the aid of a teller. Money you have set aside in a secure place, such as in a bank account, that you can use for future emergencies or to make specific purchases. Some fixed expenses, like a utility bill, may also be variable because the amount changes each month depending on usage. The federal government collects taxes based on the earnings of individuals and businesses, called an income tax. A fee lenders can charge borrowers if they pay off a loan early. Stands for "automated teller machine," a machine that lets bank customers perform basic transactions, such as deposits and withdrawals. Investment: the action or process of investing money for profit. Financial Literacy WashU. The date that an investor’s investment is to be paid back in full in accordance with its agreement. A financial institution such as a bank or credit union that is authorized to accept checking or savings deposits. An announcement or message delivered, often on radio or television, for the good of the public. Loans from from private organizations, such as banks and credit unions, which set their own terms and conditions. Finding an integrated list of financial terms and definitions is only comprehensively possible with the aid of a financial dictionary. Fixed Rate Mortgage - A mortgage that provides an interest rate that does not change over the life or term of the loan. Buy a target-date fund for your IRA or 401(k); the fund’s managers will make that decision for you based on when you’ll need the money. A degree usually awarded for one or two years of full-time academic study beyond a bachelor’s degree. Upgrades and other things that would be nice to have but aren’t necessary for living, earning, or protecting what you have. The ability to manage financial resources effectively, understand and apply financial knowledge, demonstrate healthy money habits, and successfully complete financial tasks as planned. Discover (and save!) The CEO of a company could be referred to as the honcho or "head honcho." The individual or firm that acquires and wants protection from the risk and generally in whose name an insurance policy is written. banking basics articles. Businesses, on the other hand, must have management who understands financial stat… A higher education institution whose programs and activities are operated by publicly elected or appointed school officials and which is supported by public funds. Standard 3. … An illegal act that occurs when people try to trick you out of your personal information and your money. Components of financial literacy. For example, you would use an exchange rate to figure out how many pesos or euros you could get for one U.S. dollar. A fee charged by a lender, and paid by a borrower, for the use of money. A person or organization that borrows something, especially money from a bank or other financial institution. Total pay before taxes and other deductions are taken out. The lack of financial literacy can be a detriment to a person getting ahead financially. Can include things like children’s allowances, stock dividends paid by corporations, and financial gifts. For this, you need to know the right terminology, definitions … For example, if you get a home loan, the bank's collateral is typically your house. Also: An advantage; something that is good. You must be logged in to leave a comment. Financial Literacy WashU. Comments: 0. For instance, life insurance policies might be bought by employers of key employees, or a husband may buy and be the holder of a life insurance policy on his wife. How much of a product is available to buy at any given time. The person, group, or organization whose life or property is covered by an insurance policy. Download everfi financial literacy glossary term 3 document. His taxonomy allows educators to categorize activities by their level of challenge and complexity. The common industry definitions of financial literacy are varied and it seems that many also use the terms financial literacy, financial education and financial knowledge interchangeably. Usually between 300 and 850, Fair Isaac Corp.’s estimate, based on your borrowing behavior, of the odds you’ll repay any debts. Caution: Fiduciaries are like hotties on a dating app — not everyone who tries to look like one actually is. Anyone who starts to read financial news will need a quick primer on the terms that are commonly used. C The release of the borrower's obligation to repay all or a designated portion of principal and interest on a student loan. Financially sound enough to justify the extension of credit. Investors buy shares in mutual funds. Typically, line items are grouped together in budget categories. All definitions found on : A federal program that provides part-time jobs for undergraduate and graduate students with financial need, allowing them to earn money to help pay education expenses. Usually it means you’re using a credit card, but it might also mean that you got a loan. A degree usually awarded for at least three years of full-time academic work beyond a bachelor’s degree. A budget is a tool you can use to track your exact income and expenses within a set period … Generally, an informal term for situations where people are hired for single projects or tasks or for short-term jobs, often through a digital marketplace. The profit or loss on an investment over a one-year period. It is not the amount of money your family will have to pay for college nor is it the amount of federal student aid you will receive. A fee you may be charged if you check your prepaid card balance at an ATM or if you call customer service to ask about your balance. It’s the amount paid before insurance coverage kicks in. The catch: Such markets’ infrastructure is shaky, and stocks tend to dive as aggressively as they soar. Understanding basic money terms and concepts that affect your financial health is the first step toward financial literacy. One-On-One Appointments Meet with a financial wellness peer educator via Zoom to help you understand your personal finances. 529 College Savings Plan - An education savings plan operated by a state or educational institution. Expenses, like bills, that must be paid each month and generally cost the same amount. This series will cover the basic financial glossary. Capital: wealth in the form of money or other assets owned by a person or organization or available for a purpose such as starting a company or investing. Something that an employer, the government, or an insurance company provides that’s often used only for a particular purpose, such as food or medical costs. The total amount it will cost you to go to school — usually stated as a yearly figure. Sadly, its real-money value swings widely, making it impractical except for criminals, idealists and speculators. The amount of money that is needed to pay for or buy something. You can use money to buy goods and services. It also includes miscellaneous and personal expenses. A type of prepaid card you get from your employer that you receive your paycheck on. The index number schools use to determine your eligibility for federal financial aid. ADR: … Cut your confusion by consulting this glossary. Finding an integrated list of financial terms and definitions is only comprehensively possible with the aid of a financial dictionary. The amount of time that an employee works before being paid — for example, a week or a month. Redirecting to /natl/news/financial_literacy/Oct_07_investing_glossary_a2.asp/. A bill-paying method you set up with the merchant or service provider. Tips go beyond the stated amount of the bill and are given voluntarily. You use online banking to give your bank the merchant or service provider’s information, and your bank makes the payment according to the amount and schedule you set up. Looking for a personal finance dictionary that covers essetial financial literacy terms? A type of financial aid that does not have to be repaid, unless, for example, you withdraw from school and you need to pay back some of the tuition money; often need-based. Financial Goals. Generally, you can deposit checks into your account using this service, but not cash. If you are an independent contractor, any business client that paid you at least $600 in the previous calendar year will send you a 1099-MISC by January 31st. Annual Fee. financial literacy meaning: the ability to understand basic principles of business and finance: . related to AARP volunteering. Honcho: Slang term describing the leader, manager, chief or person in charge of an organization or a project. Federal loans also include benefits that private student loans don’t usually offer. Your EFC index number is reported to you on your Student Aid Report. You are leaving and going to the website of our trusted provider. The practice of comparing prices, features, benefits, risks, and other characteristics of two or more similar products or services. Be sure to check out iGrad’s COVID-19 Hub to get answers, tips, and advice for staying financially well during the pandemic.. iGrad. Please return to to learn more about other benefits. Basic things people must have to survive (such as food, clothing, and shelter), resources they need to do their jobs (such as reliable transportation and the tools of the trade), and resources to help build and protect their assets so they can meet future needs (such as emergency savings and insurance). your own Pins on Pinterest Can be a synonym for career. A money order can be used instead of a check. This money is deposited for the government and is credited against the employees' tax liability when they file their returns. Credit rating: A rating that indicates how good a credit risk you are. Financial wellness begins with financial literacy The first step toward financial wellness is understanding your finances. 360 Degrees of Financial Literacy is a FREE PROGRAM of the nation's certified public accountants to help Americans understand their personal finances through every stage of life. by Bruce Horovitz, AARP Bulletin, October 8, 2018 1. Once you schedule an appointment online, we will send you a calendar invitation with the virtual meeting information. receive communications related to AARP volunteering. Financial Literacy Glossary. Standard 5. A type of debt, similar to an IOU. Financial literacy is the knowledge and ability to successfully manage one’s finances. A fee your prepaid card provider may charge to replace your card if it is lost, stolen, or damaged. Most prepaid cards are open-loop cards. Includes all forms of schooling after high school, not just college. To commit money to earn a financial return; the strategic purchase or sale of assets to produce income or capital gains. The issuer promises to pay you a specified rate of interest during the life of the bond and to repay the principal — also known as the bond’s face value or par value — when the bond "matures," or comes due after a set period. An asset is any resource (tangible or intangible, owned or controlled) that holds value. Budget. Financial literacy refers to a variety of important financial skills and concepts. The Strive Glossary provides a helpful list of common financial terms that can help you learn more about managing your money. Personal Financing: is the ability of an individual to provide funds in order to achieve personal goals. financial services to its member-owners, who have met specific employment, residence, or other eligibility requirements. A measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services. Without this period, you may have to pay interest from the date you use your card or when the purchase is posted to your account. Liabilities - A financial obligation or amount owed. The profit or loss on an investment expressed as a percentage. When someone tries to get you to give them personal information, such as through an email or text message, often by impersonating a business or government agency. In … Video of foreign, glossary, close - 151463499 Profit, Definition In English Vocabulary, Financial Literacy, Income Planning - Download From Over 140 Million High … A tax deducted from your pay to contribute to Social Security and Medicare; your employer contributes the same amount on your behalf. An attempt to get you to send money by pretending to be someone you know or trust, like a sheriff; local, state, or federal government employee; a family member; or charity organization. Financial Literacy Terms and Definitions (ON) Subject Area: Language Arts. Financial terms glossary #. A financial institution and business that accepts deposits, makes loans, and handles other financial transactions. This glossary contains terms you may find useful when teaching youth financial literacy. payments are made on a timely basis, and how long the borrower has had various credit accounts. Annual Percentage Rate (APR). You pay interest on any outstanding credit card loan balance. Many translated example sentences containing "financial literacy" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. Financial literacy is not an absolute state; it is a continuum of abilities that is subject to variables such as age, family, culture, and residence. Unlike mutual funds, which they resemble, ETFs are an investment you can buy and sell throughout the day, like stocks. The amount of expenses an insured must pay before the insurance company will contribute toward the covered item. This financial glossary gives better, more precise, and simple-to-understand meanings of financial terminology. A fee charged every time you use the card for a certain type of transaction. Something, such as an outcome, you wish to achieve or accomplish in a specific amount of time. Money earned or received such as wages or salaries, tips, commissions, contracted pay, government transfer payments, dividends on investments, tax refunds, gifts, and inheritances. Honcho: Slang term describing the leader, manager, chief or person in charge of an organization or a project. A form that the employee completes and the employer uses to determine the amount of income tax to withhold. Glossary and Financial Literacy. Superannuation - money set aside for retirement, that must be paid into a complying superannuation fund. A fee charged if you don’t use your card for a certain period of time. This cost includes deductibles, copayments, and amounts paid for services or repairs that are excluded from coverage. Buying things without having planned for them beforehand. Personal Financial Literacy Glossary of Commonly Used Terms Amortization. An organization or person that lends money with the expectation that it will be repaid, generally with interest. An interest-bearing savings security issued by the U.S. government for a set amount of money. In the next 24 hours, you will receive an email to confirm your subscription to receive emails Posters, signs, television commercials, radio spots, and other media that businesses use to promote products or... B. The nine-digit number on a Social Security card, an important piece of identification issued by the federal government that you'll need to get a job and collect government benefits. A paper or electronic document that gives you some basic information about your eligibility for federal student aid and lists your answers to the FAFSA questions. Indexes are available for the U.S. and various geographic areas. A fixed or limited period of time for which something lasts or is intended to last (for example, a five-year loan, a three-year certificate of deposit, a one-year insurance policy, a 30-year mortgage). Only the definition of a term as it is used to understand personal financial choices is included in the glossary. This savings glossary can help you with all of your finances by understanding the meanings of common terms. The idea that you are less likely to be careful when you are shielded from the consequences of your actions. You can also manage your communication preferences by updating your account at anytime. Up to 25% off device and online privacy protection plans, Help from experts & resources to get started. An agreement that you make with a company to get a publication or service regularly and that you usually pay for in advance. The FAFSA may also be used to determine a student’s eligibility for state and school-based aid and also may influence how much private aid a student receives. A company that pools money from many investors and invests the money in securities such as stocks, bonds, and short-term debt. This can be thought of as “fishing for confidential information”. Glossary and Financial Literacy. Amount of money you bring home in your paycheck after taxes and other deductions are taken out; also called take-home pay. An account at a bank (sometimes called a share savings account at a credit union) used to set aside money and that pays you interest. Employers withhold money for federal income taxes, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and state and local income taxes in some states and localities. Please enable Javascript in your browser and try Required payments of money to governments, which use the funds to provide public goods and services for the benefit of the community as a whole. Provides benefits for retired workers and people with disabilities, as well as the unmarried children, surviving spouses, or former spouses (in certain cases) of both. Automated Teller Machine (ATM) use to withdraw cash and make financial transactions. It calculates money coming in and money going out- income and expenses. When you buy a bond, you’re lending to the issuer, which may be a government, municipality, or corporation. The unauthorized movement or disclosure of sensitive information to a party, usually outside the organization, that is not authorized to have or see the information. Home / Financial Literacy / Glossary. A measure of the ability and ease with which you can access and use your money. For example, the amount you pay for covered health care services before your insurance plan starts to pay is your deductible. And, more importantly, you know how to make money work for you. A plan that outlines what money you expect to earn or receive (your income) and how you will save it or spend it (your expenses) for a given period of time; also called a spending plan. An amount (often a personal or business expense) that reduces income subject to tax. It was revised in 2011 by a group of practitioners and researchers to promote a more dynamic conception of classification. It is a number your school uses to calculate the amount of federal student aid you are eligible to receive. The process by which loan payments are applied to the principal, or amount borrowed, as well as the interest on a loan according to a set schedule. Loans in which your property (things you own) are used as collateral; if you cannot pay back the loan, the lender will take your collateral to get their money back. The activity of making, buying, or selling goods or providing services in exchange for money. to search for ways to make a difference in your community at Health care services before your insurance plan starts to pay in a mutual fund to as lowest... For payment due each month of loan Javascript in your Free Application for student! Or lower payments collateral is typically your house updated: 29 July 2019 by K.. Deposits, makes loans, so that it becomes a constantly updated resource appointment online we. 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