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employee engagement fun activities work from home

It might sound strange for being a part of the employee engagement activities, but hear me out. Team-building can lead to stronger working relationships, effective communication, and increased job satisfaction. Give regular feedback and not only when you have to criticize employees about their performance. You can furnish such rooms with games like football, table tennis, chess set, and a jigsaw puzzle which may act as a stress buster for your employees. The human resources department of the companies had to wake up to the challenge and introduce novel methods to address the situation. To give someone a part of your happiness will multiply it by a thousand folds. It is easy, short, super fun, and also throws in some knowledge in the mixture. This has served as a reminder to managers that there are a number of non-work related factors that can affect an employee’s mindset and therefore their engagement. The word "activities" implies a call to action, as something to do. It is best not to leave a new employee among the wolves, so as to speak. Newsletter for employees- The internal newsletter to connect employees was launched during the lockdown. According to Gallup, the implementation of gamification in the workplace has resulted in almost a 147% increase in performance, up to 65% less turnover, and 37% fewer absences. Now, what is Employee Advocacy? Below are the top 25 employee engagement activities to engage, retain and boost happiness among your employees: Regular Feedbacks. So when it comes down to it, how much do you know about your employees? Recognize their hard work. "With food, we can share and communicate our emotions. Do You Need Organizational Hierarchy in Today’s Business World? Socializing outside of work is an effective way to increase employee engagement at work. Make fun a priority for you and your team. A good onboarding process aims to make employees thrive and feel at home from the very first day itself. We have many programs to appreciate and recognize the hard work of the employees during this phase. This article is written by Barasha Medhi who is a part of the marketing team at Vantage Circle and can be found searching for interesting HR, company culture, and corporate buzzwords to write about. Remote work is on the rise right now. Luckily, that’s what you have icebreaker games for!. We are all different and hence, stronger together. What employees appreciate most at this remote working lifestyle is that they can more easily achieve work-life balance. A rank 0 would mean that "I didn't know it was an issue." Engaging, fun activities for remote employees. Work is not supposed to be fun. Professional achievements are also highlighted here. So, if you want a fast-paced solution in securing engagement among your employees, consider investing in gamification. Employee engagement is not just necessary for ensuring high productivity but it also helps foster a good relationship between employees and employers. Work is not supposed to be fun. When work from home is considered, everyday's a challenge for your individual employees and maybe, for you as well! You have to identify what your company needs and develop the right strategy. It came up with a unique plan for better engagement with employees called as the 20% Project. A Complete Guide to Decoding and Driving Employee Engagement. The photography contest for World Environment Day was another well-received activity. Getting team members to open up in engagement team building activities can be as tough and awkward as navigating a minefield!. Activities are a great way to engage and involve people and to show your employees that you care. These meetings are very vital in building a bridge of communication between you and your employees. With higher motivation comes better engagement, happiness, and ultimately retention. The SBL family bond remains strong even during the lockdowns. According to research, conducting a "Bring your dog to work" day demonstrated that: The differences in perceived stress between days the dog was present and absent were significant. In this scenario, improving employee engagement is the least likely to grow. This approach makes Cultr an action-oriented engagement and culture tool which is used by leading companies to turn their desired culture and desired behaviours into action in a fun and social way. With so many positives, you should conduct an office potluck as soon as you can! Building a digital workforce, an online community which learns, communicates and works together is the ideal employee engagement experience you want to give your employees while they work remotely. With these fun and interactive employee engagement activities, you can help develop happy and productive employees. What is diversity, you ask? Brainstorming remains the greatest and the most effective way to generate new ideas. Even if you support flexibility, some rules should be applied as this helps employees feel like they are a part of your organizational culture. There are countless activities you can plan, but here are a few ideas: You probably think that this is a waste of your company's time and money. A single round of the game is enough to bring a smile on their face. Further, to keep up their morale and boost their moods, you can create virtual team activities like online multiplayer games, quizzes. Collaboration, morale, and belonging can all take a hit. How to successfully host a "Bring your pets to work" day: Do you know what the sure way to see your business decline is? Thus, this is why we need to build upon and celebrate diversity in the workplace. In a traditional office, employee engagement activities are easy. With this in mind, celebrating Diversity Day in your company would mean a lot to the people who face a cultural block. The following is a short list of the best virtual team building activities for remote teams and employees. But as a boss, you shouldn't shy away from conducting these meetings. Stress among the employees is at an all-time high. Playing together will help increase communication, motivate your team, and build your virtual company culture that will be useful later on when there’s work to be done. The pandemic and the sudden shift to remote working shook the confidence and morale of the employees in all organizations. SBL ESS “Notification” – The ESS platform of SBL showcases updated information on the news, events, and activities at SBL. Therefore, if you do have remote employees, you should also have a work-from-home policy. 2021 All rights reserved. When work from home is considered, everyday's a challenge for your individual employees and maybe, for you as well! Hi there. The truth is that most managers treat employee engagement as a one-time thing. Every employee has their happy days. Moreover, pets also help in increasing coworker cooperation. Thunderdome proves you can design engaging employee activities around doing more work—work without restrictions and limits, work that lets employees connect secret passions and inventions to their day-to-day lives. The HR department also prepared work from home guidelines with pointers that would help them avoid distractions of the domestic environment and focus on work. Employees also required support to adapt to the new online collaboration platform. Reward & Recognition Programs Peer-to-peer recognition is one of the most underrated while significant employee engagement activities. At its base element, It is bonding over food. They should not get bored at home while working. Which means they are good 1. Consistency is the key, people! We safeguard your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Rewarding employees help boost employee engagement and keeps employees motivated. Then again, it might be taking the children from an orphanage to a picnic or a park. Uniquely, allow the new employees to choose their. Employee Engagement Ideas: Employee engagement strategies are not an formula based science. At the office, coffee breaks tend to be spontaneous - people simply swing by their colleague’s desk and invite them for a quick coffee break. Only by recognizing the need and following through can you recruit the best talent and keep employees happy. Final Thought. Establish a work-from-home policy. For building an effective "Employee of the month" program: Feedback is one of the most powerful and overlooked weapons in your employee engagement activities arsenal. Companies can set up and implement the Work from Home … The employees, as a whole, had higher job satisfaction than industry norms. But, meditation is not about monk-like focus or chanting "om.". Plenty of activities were organized to keep the team connected. And as more and more companies encourage people to work from home, they’re quickly finding out that remote work comes with a few challenges. Steve Jobs preferred to go on a walk with his team and discussed new ways to innovate ( walking helps generate great ideas by almost 60%). Try to bring in a motivational personality/speaker to inspire and motivate your staff. The cost of employee retention and the value of employee engagement. It presents lots of interactions, discussions, and debates, which makes. Send an excellent welcome aboard care package. The companies that incorporate remote employee engagement activities get in front of low morale and create more collaborative, connected environments. We have to modify it frequently to the various changes occurring in the workplace and the world. Remote Employee Engagement Activities That Every Disruptive Brand Should Try. voices" [] of a company. Read on for an interesting insight into the employee engagement activities at SBL during the lockdown. So you might want to try out a couple of activities before finding the right one that fits the bill. Remember the last time when someone told you what a great job you have done? –Jeong Kwan. Consequently, Pecha Kucha Nights became the rage everywhere. Get creative. I am sure every employee can relate to this feeling! These can range from wellness events, team building games , collaborative brainstorms, and … Simultaneously, it also encourages employee participation in its programs and allows the employees to get engaged with the creative activities of the company. Sure, they'll accept it with smiling faces whatever it is that you give. By investing in remote team building activities, you can not only model the engagement of teams that work in offices, but actually exceed it. At the start of the day, encourage employees to meditate for a minimum of 10 minutes before resuming any work. Reasons to have a "Bring your pets to work" day: Having pets in the office helps in increasing employee morale. The dynamics of work changed rapidly due to the COVID-19 world health pandemic. It’s a constant work in progress, so keep your engagement surveys, scores and activities … organization. They are great team members. Make these awards fun, creative and loud. why an employee advocacy program holds importance to the growth of an Here are the reasons why you should think about implementing a mentorship program: I am so excited to share this one with you. Research says that practicing meditation for even 10 minutes control stress, decrease anxiety, improve cardiovascular health, and achieve a higher capacity for relaxation. But apart from work, fun activities like virtual game nights, (online chess tournaments, card games, board games, etc), non-work related video conferencing, fun challenges, and celebrations are employee engagement ideas for work from home. Thus, it means that a long presentation will result in a numbing of brains and long yawns. The demand for conferencing tools and collaboration software is very high, with educational institutions pivoting to video tools to … Some feel that pressure is the best motivator to work while some can't cope up with stress. Nothing drives better performance and enhances engagement as a reward waiting at the end of a competition. Home » HR » Employee Engagement Activities at SBL for Building the Team During Work From Home. Brings out the **introverted employees **out of their shell and encourages them to contribute. © Vantage Circle. For any related queries, contact [email protected]. Moreover, it provides a way to balance your work life and personal life. Especially, talk to your employees about their families, pets, dreams. You host a party. Similar Articles: List Of Best Icebreaker Questions For Work. Throw Anxiety Parties whenever necessary. Some tips to remember during a one-to-one meeting: It is evident that along the course of their career, an employee will face new technologies or concepts they are unfamiliar. Each slide displayed for 20 seconds. Thus, employees will be more excited to come to work and hence be more engaged. Ultimately those "kudos" are essential, and you know it! Also, as far as employee engagement activities go, a potluck requires no hassle. Maybe because when a boss wants to "talk about something," it is automatically assumed to be something negative. Many found the home atmosphere a tough space to focus on the work. According to Shari Buck ( CPO of Doximity): "It's the day we tackle tough problems with fewer distractions. 4. Instruct everyone to write any work-related anxieties or worries that have been keeping them up at night. The idea formed when the team members of the Google Ventures team started having doubts and work-related anxieties. Collaborate with us to provide your employees an engaging and rewarding experience. 2020 brought many changes and improvements in the types of online games that virtual teams can participate in. YouTube channel – SBL Connect, our YouTube channel is the latest addition to the employee engagement activities at SBL. In other words, it is the concept of turning tasks into a friendly competition of sorts., tiny campfire and Tea vs Coffee are run by the same folks as Museum Hack. It might be a day at the nursing home where the employees help out in the day to day tasks. It will enable them to keep stress at bay, focus better, and perform better throughout the day. We, as human beings, have a minimal attention span. Volunteer together. In this case, the chances of confiding to the mentor are higher. These activities maximize employee passion by focusing on the aspects of work employees are most passionate about. Online Office Games with (Most Popular) First of all, it provides a flexible work life-home life balance. -Source(SHRM/Globoforce Employee Recognition Survey). As we reflect on two months (or more) of mandated virtual work, HR and people teams around the world are looking back on their most successful morale-boosting activities—and searching for new ideas to keep their teams happy, healthy, and engaged. It's that mindset of sharing that is really what you're eating." teams over the past few years. Digital Quotient of Workforce – Driving Digital Awareness of the Employees for Increased Profitability, Employee Enablement Goes a Step Ahead of Employee Engagement, Image Editing Trends To Watch Out for in 2021, Importance of Infographics in Digital Marketing. Mainly because when structured correctly, brainstorming sessions give excellent results. Taking short breaks from work to meet up with colleagues has been proven to be effective for boosting employee engagement and productivity. The corporate higher-ups' share the entire week's happenings with the whole company. It gives the participants to hold a free pass to share and gain information. When it comes to ice breakers for virtual teams, though, you need to get more creative. Also, never criticize your employees' performance. Employee engagement idea #3: Virtual coffee breaks. These activities maximize employee passion by focusing on the aspects of work employees are most passionate about. The notification page serves as a community section to share even personal events such as birthdays and anniversaries. Think company holiday parties, summer happy hours, or team lunches. A host of companies like Genpact, Accenture, Deloitte, AMD, and others are rolling out initiatives aimed at keeping children of employees engaged for a few hours while their parents work, providing some much-needed relief for those who are working from home even as daycares around the country remain shut and nannies are unable to come to work due to the lockdown. Such activities have helped to retain the connections during these trying times of social distancing and lockdowns.The crisis and distance need not separate anyone. An open Q/A session where anyone can voice their doubts about the company. Create a forum for employees to share personal as well as professional updates. The regular email communication system also advises the employees on the safety measures to follow for limiting the spread of the virus. A level ten would say, "Yes, I have been facing the same problem.". 40 Fun Office Game Ideas to Engage Employees Published on February 17, 2017 February 17, 2017 • 1,018 Likes • 42 Comments Never, ever underestimate the power of small talk. So, go on. Coupled with this, the panic and anxiety of a possible financial or health crisis took a toll on their performance. Namely, recognition boils down in appreciating a job well done. All your efforts to engage employees will go to waste if your employees feel that you are indifferent to them. The effects of stress play out differently in different persons. Organizing Anxiety Parties is an idea that the Google Ventures team came up with. One of the many ways is to present a welcome card, gift, or email to the new hires. Whether it be a digital platform where appreciation becomes the norm or encouraging employees to show their colleagues some love. SBL approached the unexpected crisis from multiple angles. Employee engagement activities should be more about the heart than the brain. Only a meager 15% of workers are engaged at work, globally! Then, address each issue, starting with the highest-ranked anxiety. Peer to peer employee recognition is 35.7% more likely to have a positive impact on financial results than manager-only recognition. Additionally, a book club manages to: Select books that have broad appeal for a book club that is open to all company employees. One of the steps in its ladder of awesomeness is its TGIF( Thank God It's Friday) Meetings. The new employee will learn his way around the company faster if a mentor is there to guide them. Indeed, the notion of "giving back" is very, very powerful. 13. 13. #1. 10. Throw going-away parties for exiting employees. Encourage your team to engage in some online team building activities to bring out their competitive spirit. The diverse employee engagement activities kept us connected with each other during these testing times. Remote working isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Employee Engagement during the era of Work From Home With the pandemic, industries have started testing and implementing Work From Home policies globally. Only then should you focus on how to measure employee engagement and what activities to implement. Use this mega-list of employee engagement ideas to help your team get back on track: 1. Insightful articles, best practices and trends in HR innovation, A free resource center with practical guides on HR management, Listen to thought leaders on best HR practices and trends. Don't even try to deny it. Once you get everyone to gather around, give everyone a piece of paper. An annual office trip can be established as a sort of office tradition and will be a good thing to look forward too. This corollary no more exists. One-on-One meetings dictate the most vital part of the employees' experience: how they perceive you, their boss. Yes, brainstorming sessions are loud and chaotic. A mug, t-shirt, and some company swag should be nice. Establish a work-from-home policy. The person could be someone from the same industry to increase employee engagement. The companies that incorporate remote employee engagement activities get in front of low morale and create more collaborative, connected environments. Everyone gathers around and shares their anxieties. Virtual R & R meet – Rewards and recognition are important for the virtual team. Ice Breakers – especially during this time – helps build rapport amongst employees who might not typically work together and it drives engagement to build connections. But, meditation is not limited to this single idea engaging them on topic! Assume the possible rewards that your employees feel more comfortable communicating with their teammates of people to brainstorm decades the! 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