Comrade Commissar, I must make a report to you comrade, a report of a crime so heinous and so grievous that there will be no need for a trial from the inner circle. After Action Reports. Fluff. of Culture: CIBCA Festival is Egypt's gift to children, Those brash 'Ingwe' yobs belong in prison, Putin's art of the purge brings back memories, The25th anniversary of diplomatic relations of Kazakhstan with Lithuania distinguishes itself for an abundance of events, Back to square one in fight for democracy, The Editor responds: it was not simply hard to believe what Commissar Reed told me about satire, but simply unbelievably stupid. One fainted flat on her face. I am granted the gift of total authority to judge, in the name of the Emperor, on the field of combat. commander definition: 1. an officer who is in charge of a military operation, or an officer of a particular rank in many…. Commisars shot thier own men in the backs when they tried to retreat. commissar . "Bring me 10 of those wooden 20-centimeter stakes now!". commissar in Czech translation and definition "commissar", English-Czech Dictionary online. The carrots did not answer Comrade Commissar Pietrov, but as he turned his head ever so slightly toward the gathered workers they all shook their heads, yes and a few mumbled "Understood." Infantry. Stand Back, Commissar (aka Jurgen Ex Melta): Gunner Jurgen may not enter a challenge other than through Glorious Intervention to replace Commissar Ciaphas Cain, and he automatically passes the Initiative test to do so. Hunh, thought commissar had buggered off months ago. Instead of making a close combat attack, at Jurgen's Initiative turn, he may make a ranged attack with his meltagun. Tenho a intenção de ser o novo comissário do distrito de Wahlstedt. ", The second carrot being much less sentient than the first appeared even more guilty to the workers who were sure that it indeed was. He makes me all weepy and nostalgfic for the wit and wisdom of Nikita Khrushchev. I bid you all good day" and with a light step Comrade Commissar Pietrov continued down the lane, even starting to hum a bit of a song he had recently heard, leaving behind him nine relieved, seemingly insurectionable carrots and the most stunned group of The Workers Party that ever was. Upon reaching the sight of the previous day's delightful distraction Comrade Commissar Pietrov noticed two things. Listen to the audio pronunciation in several English accents. The Great Universe . "You there! In the little town of Netrizovo, in a 3 room dacha lived Comrade Commissar Pietrov. "You! He'd mentioned right in the courthouse, on the floor above where we were, the decision had just been made for the state of Massachusetts, China says probing son of former top military officer, Jews in Soviet Cinema: the film Commissar by Aleksandr Askol'dov, First Flood Victim Reported in NW Bulgarian Town of Mizia, Trade turnover between Almaty and China reaches $5.5 bln in 2013 - mayor, Commissaire à l'Environnement de l'Ontario, Commissaire À l'Environnement et Au Développement Durable, Commissaire aux Plaintes Relatives aux Services de Télécommunications, Commissariaat Buitenlandse Investeringen in Nederland, Commissariaat voor het Arboricole Erfgoed Van Brussel, Commissariat à la Simplification Administrative, Commissariat au Développement de l’Agronomie Saharienne, Commissariat au Patrimoine Arboricole de Bruxelles, Commissariat Général au Développement Durable, Commissariat Général aux Questions Juives, Commissariat General aux Refugies et aux Apatrides, Commissariat Général aux Relations Internationales, Commissariat Wallon E-Administration et Simplification. GreyThoughts is an online artistic hub for unique creators of all kind. ", Pietrov jumped to the second carrot in the line pointing at it with his arm straight as a rifle with his finger as a bayonet. If he is a troll, he’s one of the more entertaining ones, at least. Il Commissario del Popolo: Emil Helsengreen. "exclaimed Comrade Commissar Pietrov. Ministers ar shouted Comrade Commissar Pietrov. It was his duty today, as it had been every Tuesday since joining the Party, that he patrols the rabochiye polya and make sure all was well and all the happy children of Comrade Stalin were working to their hearts’ content. exclaimed the Comrade Commissar so abruptly and raising a pointed finger to the sky so suddenly that the workers were startled. The 10 carrots, being not the smartest of vegetables looked as though they did not care that their lives now hung in the balance unless they were to come clean of their crimes. Tanks. Translation for 'commissar' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations. The day came and went as the days always do in that part of the world and upon the morrow, Comrade Commissar Pietrov stepped out into the crisp morning air, adjusted his hat at the angle that he thought made him look best and important and turning towards the rabochiye polya began his patrol. Translations in context of "Commissar" in English-Romanian from Reverso Context: Commissar Razinin, Board of Trade, Moscow. Comrade Commissar smiled his little tight-lipped smile, hummed a bright tune to himself and continued down the lane. hr Mislim, još nisam šef, a ime mi nažalost nije Giber. Allies of the Imperium. Otherwise we will all die at … There's a mean-mouthed bitch in the White House too. (Marines and The … Scenarios. “Under Lenins Banner We Were, We Will, Be Victorious! ScramX is the pseudonym of a man who was a member of Communist Minecraft server and Discord channel "the Motherland". News. I can’t believe the breathtaking number of new bills programs, and government crap, the Liberals in Congress keep bombarding the American People with. "Now we shall get to the business of this morning's lawlessness! The carrot not being the most sentient of vegetables said not a word. He stepped out into the crisp morning air taking a deep draught of the smell of fresh cut hay. An official of the Communist Party, often attached to a military unit, who was responsible for political education. translation and definition "commissar", English-Portuguese Dictionary online. The political commissar is the supervisory political officer responsible for the political education and organization, and loyalty to the government of the military. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. One of the workers swallowed hard and in a timid voice spoke, "If you please Comrade Commissar, there is a row of carrots planted in this field. "Now let this be a lesson to you that we will tolerate no carrots in Comrade Stalin's potato field. However, the term comrade is improperly attributed to Russian speaker… Since the Bolshevik Revolution, popular culture in the Western World has often associated it with communism. 2. often Comrade A fellow member of a group, especially a fellow member of the Communist Party. Terrain. "I will get straight to the bottom of this! And at State. You can complete the translation of Commissar given by the English-Russian Collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford, Grévisse . These are the People’s Commissar, Comrade Lunacharsky, who exercises general direction, and Deputy Commissar, Comrade Pokrovsky, who directs affairs, firstly, as Deputy People’s Commissar, and secondly, as official adviser (and director) on scientific matters and questions of Marxism in general. I'll race you. written by: RayFed @MrRayFed . You will tell me the meaning of this sedition! "Now we shall have to try more extreme measures.". ... With Reverso you can find the English translation, definition or synonym for Commissar and thousands of other words. A Health Care Commissar! Reiuxcat. komisař { noun masculine } It must have been a horrifying sight even for the political commissars serving the authorities. From poetry to song lyrics, from essays to entire novels and short stories. General. n. 1. An official of the Communist Party, often attached to a military unit, who was responsible for political education. An officer who is placed near the sovereign, and is invested with the administration of some one of the principal branches of the government. en I shouldn't be saying this, Comrade Commissar, but maybe it's for the best. OpenSubtitles2018.v3. Painting and Conversions. A fellow socialist, communist or other very politically leftist person. Flyers and Drop Troops. Commissar Conversion. commissar . And at State. Beginners Board. Submemes of ScramX include "Scram Moment", where someone says/does something similar to ScramX, and … He’s got the mid-60’s Politburo jargon down like no one I’ve ever seen. The workers did as they were told and in no time at all 10 carrots were tightly tied and staked into the ground in front of the Comrade Commissar. In fact, he had never fired that pistol once in those three years. Several men held their ears and everyone assembled by the side of the lane on the edge of the potato field jumped, except 9 carrots and Comrade Commissar Pietrov. A person who shares one's interests or activities; a friend or companion. A companion in battle; fellow soldier. This seems to be the new motto of today’s Democrats as well As our President,Vladimir,oops,I mean Barack Hussein Obama. Army List. "What is the meaning of this laziness? With your permission, comrade Commissar. "Two!" Rumors. en I mean, I am not yet a commissar, and unfortunately my name is not Giber. "Good. Adjusted his hat at the angle that he thought made him look best and important and turning towards the rabochiye polya to begin his patrol. You didn't leave, comrade commissar? Commissar Commissar is an English language transliteration of an official title used in the Soviet Union and Russia from the time of Peter the Great. Top Definition ScramX. Political use of the term was inspired by the French Revolution, after which it grew into a form of address between socialists and workers. Comrade Commissar Pietrov was a rather handsome fellow if you asked his babushka, and he had a pleasant if not stern look about him, as all good Comrade Commissars should. The workers' eyes widened and some were starting to shake because they had never seen such a thing. Historically, the commissaire politique first appeared in the French Revolution, guarding it against anti-Revolutionary thought and action, and so ensuring the Republican victory. What have you to say about this rebelliousness?" Why are you not in the field working? Comrade commissar, I'm telling you as I would to my own relative. noun the head of any of the major governmental divisions of the U.S.S.R.: called minister since 1946. an official in any communist government whose duties include political indoctrination, detection of … Is this understood?" Father Prog Theocritus. He greeted the People's Workers with a tight smile and a short nod as he walked down the lane, and as he walked he noticed up ahead that a group of workers had gathered by the side of the lane. "P-please Comrade Commissar we do not know.", This comes in cooperation with the Association for Art Education - Africa and the Middle East - where the higher committee is headed by Soraya Sedki and General, Mwama engaged the steward, landing on him some valuable kicks and jabs in retaliation in an incident which almost turned ugly were it not for the Bandari officials who prevailed on Mwama to stop.That the match, Step forward Chi Onwurah, local Newcastle MP and shadow business secretary in the motley crew assembled by, Which Marxist theorist directed the Red Army to victory as war, With apologies to the memory of Abraham Lincoln, "So that Government of the, [The Editor responds: It was not simply hard to believe what, The man was found dead in his house by his son, an Interior Ministry official who had been dispatched to the flood-stricken area, according to reports of Chief, Almaty mayor Akhmetzhan Yessimov met today with Political, Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, Min. 2. Don't get me started Comrade Commissar Theocritus! Comrade, I will give you 3 pints of Vodka if you kill that commisar. Stalin, who had once been commissar of nationalities, effectively stifled ethnic dissent. Trump’s powers in these avenues are not as wide as this South American central planner, yet, they have the equivalent coercive authority of prohibiting and punishing any who attempt to resist or evade the dictates of Comrade Trump, economic commissar of tariff policy. He stepped out into the crisp morning air taking a deep draught of the smell of fresh cut hay. [1915–20; < Russian komissár < German Kommissar < Medieval Latin commissārius commissary] I once read that many blogs die … "Nothing eh? A mate, companion, or associate. "Three!" Comrade Commissar. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. Commissar Definition: an official of the Communist Party responsible for political education , esp in a... | Bedeutung, Aussprache, Übersetzungen und Beispiele stammered another worker. General IG anything board. Type: noun; Copy to clipboard; Details / edit; GlosbeMT_RnD. A writing gallery created by writers from around the world. Grey Thoughts is a place for a multitude of creators in numerous different mediums to display their creative projects for the world to see. Camarade colonel, je vous le dis comme à un proche, on n'y touche pas. Pietrov could see that the workers were visibly shaken and he being stern but not a cruel man had a moment of inspiration. in shaky voices. opensubtitles2. Tactics. Compagno commissario, permettetemi di andarci. "Now!" 1/23/2010, 11:52 am:-) Only if there is a can of Fancy Feast at the finish line. ", "Carrots! The Imperial Guard. Several workers had now covered their mouths and some were trying to hide behind the others gathered there. There was a small popping sound like that of a cork releasing from a bottle of vodka and several of the women workers screamed. Then we will have no further problems. Comrade Commissar Pietrov was a rather handsome fellow if you asked his babushka, and he had a pleasant if not stern look about him, as all good Comrade Commissars should. the people " s commissar - Emil Helsengreen. Imperial Guard Conversion Guide. "What are carrots doing in Comrade Stalin's polyas?". "So you're not talking either, eh? OR even how about that one time that you did it to 'em because that when you did it that you didn't did not don't do it but when you don't because you did when they had to did didn't did not didn't do did do because you had to do what you had to to do what the didn't had to didn't do like when you did, you know what I mean?? commissar pronunciation - How to properly say commissar. 1. the head of a major governmental division in the U.S.S.R.: called minister after 1946. hr Zarobiće nas, druže komesaru. en [ Man ]You' Ilget us caught, comrade Commissar. shouted Comrade Commissar Pietrov. General 40k. I am a Commissar. Type: noun; Copy to clipboard; Details / edit; GlosbeMT_RnD. 1/22/2010, 4:54 am. In the Soviet Union, the head of a commissariat. After a short time the worker returned with the stakes and Comrade Commissar Pietrov said, "Good, now tie each of these criminal carrots to the stakes.". Find more ways to say comrade, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. [ as form of address ] Welcome to the conference, comrades. Soviet commissar of foreign relations Chicherin held that its establishment would be premature and would lead to the "expansion of Romanian chauvinism". ", and with that said jumped straight down into the field and in a very official manner had plucked the first 10 carrots out of the ground. Another word for comrade. comrade noun [C] (POLITICAL MEMBER) a member of the same political group, especially a communist or socialist group or a trade union: I know my opinion is shared by many of my comrades in the Labour movement. 1/21/2010, 10:26 pm. 1 definition by Comrade Commissar. Picture Post. It was his duty today, as it had been every Tuesday since joining the Party, that he patrols the rabochiye polya and make sure all was well and all the happy children of Comrade Stalin were working to their hearts' content. Reiuxcat. "One!" Comrade Commissar, the facts are these and they are indisputable. In the little town of Netrizovo, in a 3 room dacha lived Comrade Commissar Pietrov. The term comrade is used to mean 'mate', 'colleague', or 'ally', and derives from the Spanish term camarada, literally meaning 'chamber mate', from Latin camera, meaning 'chamber' or 'room'. Pietrov walked back and forth in front of the staked out little line of carrots with his hands clasped tightly behind his back. Comrade Commissar Pietrov then removed a small pistol that he had been given three years ago when he joined the Party. comissário { noun masculine } I intend to be Wåhlstedt's new district commissar. I pro politické komisaře sloužící orgánům to musel být děsivý pohled. Many men killed their commisars in ww2. " OpenSubtitles2018.v3 ka ნვ ბთ რპვბალჲ ჲგა ეა დჲ ჱბჲპსგამ , ეპსდაპ კჲმვჟაპ, ნჲ მთჟლამ ევკა რჲა ვ ნა £ ეჲბპჲ, Painting Guides. ", The 10 carrots seemed very unperturbed that they were enduring the worst interrogation ever to be seen by the Workers Party of the little town of Netrizovo. The worker's production was up noticeably from the day before and there was not a carrot in sight to be seen. 2. an official in any communist government whose duties include political indoctrination, detection of political deviation, etc. I am empowered to deliver justice wher ever I see it lacking. Comrade commissar, may I go? ", Comrade Commissar Pietrov stopped in front of the first staked carrot. I am empowered to punish cowardice. Vous n'êtes pas parti, camarade colonel? Learn more. He became a meme on the server for his perceived English nationalism, ultrazionism, and general toxicity. There's a mean-mouthed bitch in the White House too. Commissar Theocritus. MINISTER, government. The workers looked around perplexed at one another till one of them rushed off to get the Comrade Commissar's order because one did not question the Comrade Commissar. ", Although Comrade Commissar Pietrov had not approached in a stealthy manner the workers turned at the sound of his voice and seemed startled to find him standing there. On this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, other. Authority to judge, in a 3 room dacha lived Comrade Commissar abruptly... 1915–20 ; < Russian komissár < German Kommissar < Medieval Latin commissārius ]. Shares one 's interests or activities ; a friend or companion a rank! We do not know. will, be Victorious definition: 1. an officer a! Commissar had buggered off months ago day before and there was a member of a cork releasing a... To a military operation, or an officer of a military operation, or an who. 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