Help please! plz help me…. I found a white feather today; very weird, cuz I was on facebook reading something about fairies and angels and i looked down and there was a feather right on the side of me.. Hi. I’ve been going through a rough patch recently within my relationship I have a young child (from a previous relationship) as well and I’ve been quite depressed the other day I had just cleaned up my kitchen and turned after sweeping to find a grey and white small fluffy feather in the middle of the floor the same day I went to bed to find another one on my bed and since then I have been finding them all over my house what does it mean it’s been bugging me for days, My little sister was 4 months premature and she died 2 ,3 days after she was born and after her death I keep finding white feathers and I am really glad I do Hi, i have had a dark women hanging around my neighbourhood, you can feel a very dark cold feeling when she is near you. In the past week i have run into lots of pennies and dimes. I lost my brother passed away now its been a year but back from that days I always find white and black feathers they are always there with me I usually feel happy and feel attracted to them .they make me happy..but what if I found green tipped features with white coloured, I went to the hospital I just had an ETG as I was sitting up a Angle sent in White Feather appeared on my lap I then spent six days in the hospital on the seventh day I had horrible though going threw my mind i’ve been went outside any white and gray feathers came floating down then I spent 3 moor day in the hospitals got home and 4 days latter I was in my bedroom and then look down on the floor In front of me was a nother white feather I love my Angles they are taking of me. He was in the military so after his passing we were given some of his stuff and out of it all I kept his dog tag casings. Can you please tell me what does a mixed gray and white feather mean? I’m really confused. I have into seriously bad phase for last 6 months or so.. I replied that I hadn’t really thought about it. I hope that when the pain in your heart eases a little, you will be able to remember the happy times with your father, the smiles, laughter and love. Sometimes, our Angels will send us small signs and signals to let us know that they are near, and will always be there to love and support us. A feather … Feather symbols in tattoos and jewelry Its a small white with very little brown feathr… What is the meaning of this…, Finding a white feather 3different times followed by a brown feather can you please give me some information on this please, I have a class that graduated i was behind if angels ate around i will have a way of catching up to use my phone for studys also its a colorful way to learn to appreciate every time. Jesus is my savior. WOW.. day of signs for sure!!! Two landed and one was flying above my head, i am taking great comfort from this. shortly after I found a large brown feather in my path. A couple months ago now me my cousin and my sister were driving this man to city (NYC) as a favor but not to far into our trip we hit this random bird (crane like) on the highway (going almost 70) that practically sent the car spiraling across a highway ( that oddly went completely empty at this time). It sat there for almost and hour. Feather is one of the most common biblical signs, which signifies moving freely through life. I had to have my dog pts last week and we were all distraught but on the way into the vets a white feather dropped onto the path in front of us, I believe it was my old dog who knew Milo letting us know he was there to take care of him. I lost my brother and my best frd recently. White Feather - Finding a white feather may seem like a fairly common occurrence, but sometimes it can be a sign from your angels, one that carries an important message or meaning. When we have found the white feather what should we do with it? Orange feathers will bring you attraction and success! A white feather can also be your Angel telling you that any loved ones in heaven are safe and well. They are all grey and white mixed. My friend emailed me to tell me that the Angels were having a party in her garden & hallway…white feathers everywhere! I got it , so does that mean there’s a sign. I truly believe this feather was him visting me. A few weeks later me, my sis and a different friend we’re driving down a road to have it be blocked off due to a car crash that occurred there, unsure if they lived or not. Feathers are powerful symbol of hope and spiritual growth. When they arrived, my sister had brought the last picture of my dad that we had framed a few days earlier. I have been going through a rather bad time recently and have lost a few close loved ones over the last decade. Green is obtained by mixing yellow (trials) with blue (Word of God). Still standing still, I silently watched it continue it’s decent effortlessly gliding closer towards me eager to see where it would finally land. That is one of my biggest mysteries–, Having trouble trusting my partner ask today I was really panicking and gettikg angry and thought he was on a call to a so called friend of mine well as soon as i got off the phone to my partner a white feather came out of nowhere what does it mean really need a answer, I’m in a wheelchair yesterday when I was walking my little dog I came across a red feather, I came across a feather while at work taking a break it started out gray but it also had black in it so gray an black not sure what the meaning is behind it could you help me with it, Hi i was wondering It made itself very visible. Here’s What It Means About Your Personality, Later that day after dinner, and we were all having a drink and some of us crying, my niece picked up a white feather from off the carpet. Other times in the Bible, the falcon represents turning to Christianity. I put inside a little fairy statue and a ladder. But there are still many more species of birds in the Bible that carry spiritual meaning, other than the ones listed above. Today at work I found 4 feathers 2 white ones 1 grey and 1 black and grey all in the space of an hour at different parts of the building. Thank you. Purple Feathers. Thanks xx, Hi I came across a black feather today in my gardern for some reason I had to go a pick it up don’t know why? The color of the feather has special meaning. The white feather being the strongest indication that angels are present, and my dad was in gods hands. Yellow & Black Feather. What could this mean? I found almost a gold feather stuck to porch banister overlooking the path around appartmemt it was between two rocks that my kiddo painted and gave to me. A red feather represents courage, strength, stability and good fortune. I hope it’s true. Tell me what u think please? A black feather that has an iridescent sheen or is shiny is said to be a sign of mystical insight. The only person I knew who passed was my great-grandpa, but I was like three years old when he died. Hmm! Coincidence? For 2 days now, everywhere I go I have feathers around me. Have seen a white object leave the ground in front of me . Ive found feathers, pennies, dimes even a few nickles & couple quarters but the other day, early April, I’m walkin to my car & stumble upon 12-15 feathers from white to brown & also black & black/white. My dear Mom passed away on 5-17-18 HOW TO CONNECT WITH YOUR ANGELS COURSE: angels can send us many signs along our spiritual path such as a grey feather. Although you didn’t know him yourself, he might be trying to bless you with a comforting sign. The Bible does not portray Blackbird in a good light. The raven is another bird in the Bible which represents duality. Yesterday I was sitting outside having coffee with my friend saying how much I missed mum and disgusting other issues I have in my life right now when my friend noticed out of nowhere a single white feather appeared. RIP DAD. He have 3 kids and wife to think about.. What does it mean? The eagle represents bold positive qualities: strength, power,… Meaning: Black & White Feather: Black and white feathers are messengers that show you that the world is not always black and white, and there is more going on than meets the eye. Hey! In the Bible; the stork symbolizes vigilance, piety, and chastity. Case and point: death. When I got back in the car there was a white feather sitting where the gears are. Thanks you xo. DENISE. I have dreamt about white feathers in my hair. feth'-erz (notsah; Latin penna): "Gavest thou the goodly wings unto the peacocks? Secondary Colors and Biblical Meanings. On Feb 15 i drove to a meeting, my windows were up and I parked the car. I just dream about him twice and it’s so unclear. I said smiled and said thank you to our Angels. She then found another identical white feather in the hallway. our home and we truly hope this is a sign for us ! And wait for my car to cool off. Your email address will not be published. My mom died in 2006…………..since then I have found so many 5 cent coins in the weirdest of places! My dog of 12 years developed hemangiosarcoma and had tumors littered through his organs. I took a picture with my iPad in a back bedroom where my granddaughter was using while she was visiting me, this long trunk with several white feathers appeared on the top as if it was growing in the middle of the room. I asked for a sign from him. hello In looking up the meaning of black feathers, it says that I am not alone. Well today at work I looked over at my cell phone and what I initially thought was a scratch on the phone turned out to be a small brown feather. Today, as I went to the garage without my glasses on, I saw something strange I’m getting mixed messages. I have a whole collection of feathers I’ve found when walking most of them being black crow feathers, a couple lake gulls that look like sea gulls but I live near Lake Erie no ocean and I just found a light brown with dark brown stripes in it. I know these are all good signs of fortune coming my way!!! Hi, for the last two days I have receiving feathers. Well the information on this site was mind boggling. Brown feathers symbolise home and grounding. A close friend of mine died a few days ago, since that time I’ve seen 2 white feathers and many of his other friends have to. The peacock in the Bible represents wealth and prosperity and is often associated with emperors and kings. No one was hurt but I believe under different circumstances it could have gone terribly wrong. What does this mean? (18+). Someone stoled all my things..staying strong. Can you tell me the meaning of these colours please? There are no birds underground. I asked her where she got it she said she had never seen it and didnt know where it came from. Many of the birds in the Bible represent the best in us – what’s noble – pointing us towards the best versions of ourselves. It drew my attention and wondered what it may mean. He was my best friend, My Soul Mate! I found a black feather in some chicken that was recently opened and thought it was strange, later that day I went for a cigarette and at the bottom of my tobacco pouch I found a brownish yellow feather. I’m protected in my Journey, I am at work and white feathers are were falling down like snowflakes one day when I was feeling down. Greatly appreciated. I found a brown tipped white little feather fluffy I’ve been crying almost everyday and after I did my chores I walked right into it on my Living room floor mind you they are wood I sweep them 2 too 3 times a day… what does that mean. I was shocked it was so pretty white and brown it was so beautiful it made me feel good! I can feel the huge sense of sadness and emptiness you are feeling after losing your dad. Lightness Within Your Heart Center. i rememberd the feather in my pocket so my thoughts were to look up wat was the meanin of black feather..which hit home because 99% of it meaning was me and my life situations etc to a then taken the feather out my pocket to only then notice the colour was brown with a touch of white at the bottom part of the feather..anyone know wat that meanin is please? Rip hajirah. Had to sit for 3 hours. This morning I found in white and a little bit black out side my aunt house this morning before on my way to school what does that mean? Learn Angel Feather Meanings – What Do White Feathers Mean? I keep it tied up around my rear view mirror. They gray was at the bottom it was only a lil bit of white in the middle and right at the top was the orange, I’m in awe right now. . Whilst I was photographing an insect, a tiny feather floated down and hovered in front of my lens. I’ve seen an angel once. The Bible also gives references to the following birds: turtles (turtledoves), swallows, hens, bats, herons, cranes, hawks, chickens, lapwings, quails, ostriches, pelicans, pigeons, swans, cocks, bitterns, ospreys, kites, cormorants, and other species of birds in the Bible – each carrying their own messages and spiritual meaning. If you haven’t lost anyone you love recently, the white feather may be a message from your friend’s father. Thank you. I’m left very confused & stressed & wonder if hes ending it with me & going back to someone else. Yesterday i found a feather where the bottom half was white and the top half a blue green. White mixed feathers and black can symbolize the sense of union, or protection. My two sisters and one brother refused to let me see her while she was in hospital even though I am her first born.I looked after her for 20 years until I could no longer do it when I had two operations on my arm. It seemed to be a bird , but it disappeared . But the raven and other birds in the Bible are much like us. I told my daughter to go lift the black feathers today as they were still there and as she did two little grey one fell by her foot. I would like to know what this feather means. I have a photo of it. First time in a long while that I found a feather. Wishingmoon accepts Mastercard, Visa, Visa Delta, Solo, Electron and Switch (UK only) for telephone readings (18+). My Mom just recently passed away Oct. 20 2019 at the age of 81 … my mom and I were very close and I’m completely lost without her .. my heart has a huge hole in it and I miss her so very much . The only feathers I tend to find is black and white. I came here to look it up and suddenly had this huge emotional relief that everything was going to be ok! Really comfort me because my fiance ain’t leave me. Why:?? Thank You for your mercy and grace. Then while at work whether I have the day off or I call out, some kind of violent act is performed. I used natural shampoo on a couple but then it crossed my mind whether i should leave them natural or not? Mum and dad died 5weeks apart and my birthdays coming up dont no if its anything to do with them xx. He sends His angels to protect us and I have tried the Spirit by the spirit and there is no denying His Word is true. Green. I was walking up to the house it’s raining and as I came up the drive way a small fluffy white feather floated by me I immediately looked for a bird to find non in sight. 1-2 or 3 months prior to my dads passing i was seeing 333’s CONSTANTLY, everywhere then 12-31-2019 my dad passed…6ys & 3mo AFTER my brother passed on 9-9-2013 AND my aunt passed 3 months, same date after my brother..9-9-2016. I now see feathers as signs of hope and good luck and I wear feathers in my hair for special occasions, keep feathers in my viola case. Cause i have no home. But for the first time she approached my 4 year old son and told him she was going to kill him. I have looked up different coloured feathers on line but can not find the meaning of a black and dark green feather. This lovely feather on my tree s is also known as a symbol for and... Black in the Bible kindly reminds us of this fact of life, knew. A comforting sign many things, including carnal pleasures and temptation with any other.! 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