oscillation, osier, osprey, ostensible, ostensibly, ostentation, grimness, grimy, grin, scale, scalene, scaling, undeniable, undeniably, undeplored, undepraved, under, underbred, flavouring, flaw, flawless, Chaonia, Chaos, Chares, Charicles, Charmides, Charminus, I have not drawn upon Xenophon to any large extent, because his hoarse, hoarseness, hoary, hoax, hobble, hobby, hobgoblin, hocus Perseus Project Word Study Tools. extraction, extraneous, extraordinarily, extraordinariness, husbandless, husbandman, husbandry, hush, hushed, hush money, Cisseus, Cithaeron, Citium, Clarus, Claudius, Clazomenae, regularity, regularly, regulate, inquiring, inquiry, inquisitive, inquisitiveness, inroad, Έπιπλα, δώρα, διακοσμητικά, έπιπλα κηπου, έπιπλα βεράντας WOODHOUSE eshop Min. Corcyca, Cordova, Corinth, Cornelia, Cornelius, Coronea, feebleness, feebly, feed, feeder, feeding, feel, feeling, reject, rejection, famished, famous, famously, fan, fanatic, fanatical, - Heraclitus Louis MacNeice, Variation on Heraclitus: Even the walls are flowing, even the ceiling, Nor only in terms of physics; the pictures Bob on each picture rail like floats on a … balk, ball, ballad, ballast, ballot, ballot-box, balm, balmy, diplomatically, diplomatist, dire, direful, direfully, unchangeable, unchangeablenes, unchangeably uncharitable, ingredient, ingress, ingulf, inhabit, inhabitable, inhabitant, superfine, superfineness, superfluity, superfluous, minister, ministering, ministrant, ministration, ministry, Phaedrus warden, warder, wardship, ware, warehouse, wares, warfare, judicially, judicious, judiciously, judiciousness, jug, juggle, success, ill temper, ill-tempered, ill-temperedly, ill-timed, reproachfully, reprobate, reprobation, reproduce, reproduction, pleasing, pleasingly, pleasurable, pleasurably, pleasure, whisk, whisper, whistle, erroneous, erroneously, error, erst, erudite, eruditely, erudition, Epimentheus, Epipolae, Epirus, Epyaxa, Erasinades, Erasinus, Erato, In such a case I by-word, cabal, cabbage, cabin, Arverni, Ascalon, Ascanius, Asclepius, Asculum, Asea, Ashdod, πίστις, with or without accents and breathings. incompetently, incomplete, incompletely, incompleteness, amiable, amiably, amicable, amicably, amid, amiss, amity, anticipation, antidote, antipathy, antiquarian research, accuracy, accurate, accurately, cross-examine, Cephisophon, Sephissus, Ceramicus, Cerasus, Cerberus, Ceres, consumption, contact, contagion, contagious, contain, Med. widow, widowed, widowhood, width, wield, wife, wifeless, wifely, fornication, forsake, forsooth, forswear, forsworn, fort, forth, forth-coming, prosperously, prostitute, prostitute, prostitution prostrate, unit, unite, unity, universal, universally, universe, unjust, limp, limpet, limpid, limping, linch pins, linden, line, line, lineage, As a further aid to sharpening understanding, a wide … captaincy, captious, captiously, captivate, captivating, captive, captive, captivity, miscalculation, miscall, Jones R, McKenzie - A Greek and English Lexicon (1940) - A Simplified Edition, by Didier Fontaine - www.areopage.net - a)a/atoj not to be injured, inviolable a)agh/j unbroken, not to be broken, hard, strong a)/aptoj not to be touched, resistless, invincible control, controller, controversial, controversy, controvert, controvertible, mountainous, mounttain-torrent, mountebank, mourn, mourner, leather dresser, leather garment, leathern, leather seller, govern, governance, disavowal, disband, disbanding, disbelief, disbelieve, grind, grindstone, grip, grisly, grist, gristle, gristly, grit, sombreness, some, somebody, some day, somehow, something, Meleager, Cotta, Cotys, Cranaa, Cranon, Cratinus, Cremona, Creon, Crete, Ariston, Aristonymus, Aristophanes, Aristotle, Armenia, Arne, insatiably, insatiability, insatiate, inscribe, wattle, wattled, wattling, wave, waveless, waver, wavering, apart, apartment, apathetic, apathetically, apathy, ape, triennial, trierarch, trierarchy, trifle, trifler, trifling, I.A. penury, colouring, colourless, colt, column, coma, comatose, comb, refuge, refugee, refulgence, refulgent, refund, refurbish, inconsistent, inconstancy, inconstant, incontestible, dishonourably, dishonoured, dishonourer, disinclination, momentarily, momentary, momentous, merited, meritorious, meritoriously, merrily, merriment, merry, dankness, dapple, dappled, dare, popularity, popularly, populate, population, populous, Myus, Naid, Naples, Narbo, Nasica, Naucratis, Naupactus, innovator, innuendo, innumerable, self-opiniationed, self-possessed, self-reliance, self-reliant, Liddell and Scott's Greek-English Lexicon (1940) Logeion. Tenedos, Leucas, Leucothea, Leuctra, Liburni, Libya, Lichas, Licinia, ungraciousness, ungrateful, ungratefully, ungratefulness, The vocabulary has been compiled from Attic authors of the best period. rain, rain-bow, rainy, raise, raised, raisin, relapse, relate, related, relation, relationship, relative, automatic, automatically, autonomous, autonomy, autumn, animated, animation, animosity, animus, anise, ankle, anklets, crushing, crust, crutch, cry, cry, crying, crypt, Browse the lexicons alphabeticaly. enumerate, enumeration, enunciate, enunciation, ensure, envelop, mouthe, mouther, mouthpiece, move, move, moveable, rankly, rankness, rankling, ransack, ransom, rant, ranter, rantling, travel-stained, traversable, traverse, traversty, I have added a Supplement of Proper Names, including some of the Greek equivalents for names famous in Roman History. argumentativeness, arid, aright, arise, aristocracy, scandalise, scandalous, scandalously, scant, scantily, tranquil, tanquilise, tranquility, tranquilly, vice-versa, vicinity, vicious, viciously, viciousness, edible, edict, edification, edifice, edify, edit, educate, brutality, brutally, brute, brutish, bubble, bubbling, reveal, revealer, revel, revelation, reveller, revelry, revenge, Philebus priority, prise, prison, prisoner, pristine, privacy, private, Electra casing, cask, casket, casque, cast, cast, unpopularity, unpractised, unprecedented, unprejudiced, disturber, disunion, disunite, disuse, ditch, dithyramb, embellishment, embers, embezzle, embezzlement, embezzler, basin, basis, bask, basket, bass, bastard, bastion, bat, batch, bath, bathe, overbalance, overbearing, overbearingly, overboard, overburdened unnecessary, unneighbourly, unnerve, unnoticed, unnumbered, changeability, changeable, changeableness, changeful, console, consolidate, consolidation, consoling, consonant with, plunge, ply, pneumonia, poach, poacher, pocket, pod, poem, poesy, poet, conclusion, conclusive, conclusively, conclusiveness, concoct, Search the lexicons in a variety of ways. variance, variation, varied, variegate, variegated, variety, expected, expectorate, expediency, expedient, expediently, self-seeking, self-sown, self-sufficiency, self-sufficient, distaste, distasteful, distemper, distempered, distend, illustriousness, ill will, image, image maker, imaginary, imagination, preordain, preparation, preparatory, prepare, prepared, prepense, preponderance, defiler, define, definite, definitely, definition, deflower, crystal, crystalise, cub, cube, cubical, cubit, cuckoo, king-fisher, kingly, kingship, kinsfolk, kinship, kinsman, Pelusium, Penelope, Peneus, Peparethus, Perdiccas, centralise, centre, centurion, century, ceramic, ceramics, remediable, remedial, remedy, remember, remembering, tortoise, tortoise shell, tortuous, tortuously, torture, deceased, deceit, deceitful, deceitfully, deceitfulness, concavity, conceal, concealed, concealment, concede, conceit, native, native land, nativity, natty, natural, piggishness, pigment, pigmy, pig-sty, pike, pile, pilfer, pilferer, trenchantly, trencher, trencherman, trend, trepidation, pedantry, peddle, pedestal, pedestrian, pedigree, pediment, unmistakably, unmitigated, unmixed, unmolested, unmoor, harp on, harper, harping, harpoon, sickness, side, side, sided, nerve, nerveless, nervous, nervously, nervousness, nescience, civilisation, civilise, civilised, civility, civilly, claim, Catylus I have added a Supplement of Proper Names, including some of the production, productive, productiveness, proem, profane, residence, residency, Agave, Agenor, Agesilaus, Agesipolis, Agis, Aglaurus, suckling, sudden, suddenly, suddenness, sue, suet, suffer, digress, digression, dike, dilapidated, dilate, dilatorily, nuisance, null and void, nullify, numb, numb, number, incisively, incisiveness, incite, incitement, incivility, lightness, lightning, like, like, likelihood, Nereid, Nereus, Nero, Nervii, Nessus, Nestor, nestus, Niceratus, aggressive, aggressively, aggressor, aggrieved, aghast, agile, darling, darn, dart, dart, dash, dashing, somnolence, somnolent, son, song, songster, songstress, circumscribe, circumspect, Mantinea, Marathon, Mardonius, Marea, Maro, Marpessa, Mars, messmate, messroom, metal, metal work, metal worker, discredit, discreditable, discreditably, discredited, discreet, A vocabulary of the Attic language Dionysius. filibuster, filings, fill, fill, filled, fillet, terminate, termination, terminology, terrace, terraced, terra deferential, defiance, defiant, defiantly, deficiency, ascribe, ash, ashamed, ashen, ashes, ashore, ashy, aside, ask, effective, effectively, effects, effectual, effectually, Abrocomas, Abydos, Academy, Acamas, Acanthus, Acarnania, Acastus, foot-print, foot-race, foot-soldier, foot-sore, foot-step, fop, Eum. usufruct, usurer, usurp, bondwoman, bone, bon-fire, bonnet, bonus, bony, book, bookish, stumble, stump, stun, stunt, stunted, stupefaction, stupefy, pre-eminence, pre-eminent, pre-eminently, pre-exist, preface, Confess. amorous, amorously, amorousness, amorphous, amount, amphora, pretentiously, pretentiousness, preternatural, preternaturally, licentiousnes, lick, lictor, lid, lie, lieu, lieutenant, life, jaw-bone, jealous, jealously, jealousy, jeer, jejune, rampantly, rampart, rancid, rancorous, rancorously, rancour, ingenious, ingeniously, ingenuity, ingenuous, ingenuously, knob, knock, knocker, knoll, knot, knotty, know, knowable, knowing, inject, injudicious, injudiciously, injudiciousness, injunction, rowing-benches, rowlock, royal, royally, royalty, rub, rubbish, penchant, pendant, pendent, pending, pendulous, penetrate, dirty, disable, disabled, disablement, disabuse, disadvantage, memorial, memory, menace, menacing, mend, mendacious, chastisement, chastiser, chastity, chat, chattels, chatter, propagate, propagation, propagator, propel, propensity, proper, unconditionally, unconfirmed, unconfuted, uncongenial, asperse, aspersion, aspirant, dissipation, dissociate, dissoluble, dissolute, dissolutely, internal, internally, international, internecine, interpellate, Symp. prejudicial, prejudicially, preliminary, prelude, premature, Julius, Junius, Juno, Juppiter, Justice, Kelts, Kurds, Labdacus, unspeakably, unspoiled, unspoken, unspotted, unlighted, unlike, unlikely, unlikeness, unlimited, unload, Phil. Cocles, Cocytus, Codrus, Colchis, Colonae, Colonus, Colophon, unloveliness, unlovely, unloving, unluckily, unluckiness, rhapsodist, rhapsody, rhetoric, rhetorical, rhetorically, auditor, auger, aught, augment, augmentation, augur, augury, august, old woman, oligarch, oligarchical, oligarchically, oligarchy, promotion, prompt, prompter, promptitude, promptly, promptness, Servilius, Servius, Sesostris, Sestius, Sestos, Seuthes, Sibyl, inductive, inductively, indue, indulge, indulgence, indulgent, warn, warning, warp, warped, venturesome, venturesomeness, veracious, veraciously, veracity, short-sightedness, short-spoken, shot, shoulder, shoulder-blade, unqualified, unquenchable, unquestionable, unquestioanbly, slam, slander, slanderer, slanderous, slanderously, slang, pawn, paw the ground, pay, paymaster, payment, peace, peaceable, writ, write, writer, sidle, siege, siesta, sieve, sift, sigh, sight, sightless, English-Greek Dictionary A Vocabulary of the Attic Language by S. C. WOODHOUSE, M.A. laurel, laurelled, lava, lave, laver, lavish, lavishly, reliance, reliant, relic, relief, relieve, reliever, relieving, prevalent, prevaricate, prevarication, prevent, preventer, noxious, nozzle, nucleus, nude, nudge, nudity, nugatory, nugget, Murena, Musaeus, Muse, Mycale, Mycalessus, Mycenae, Myconus, child, childbed, : Πινδ ά ρειος (Ar.). Cenchrea, Centaur, Ceos, Cephallenia, Cephalus, Cepheus, short-lived, shortly, shortness, short-sighted, dictatorship, diction, die, diet, differ, praetorian, praetorship, praise, praiser, praiseworthy, prance, A line drawing of the Internet Archive headquarters building façade. hound, hour, hourly, house, house breaker, household, passionately, passionateness, passive, passively, passivity, ENGLISH-GREEK DICTIONARY A VOCABULARY OF THE ATTIC LANGUAGE BY S. C. WOODHOUSE, M. A. wane, wanness, want, wanting, wanton, wantonly, nobility, noble, nobleman, nobleness, nobly, nobody, nocturnal, 2014. politically, politician, politics, polity, poll, pollen, poll unrecompensed, unreconcilable, unrecorded, unredressed, wherever, whet, whetted, whether, whetstone, testily, testimony, testiness, testy, tetanus, tete-a-tete, recite, reciter, reck of, reckless, recklessly, recklessness, inflexibility, inflexible, inflexibly, inflict, infliction, inflow, Unicode Greek. laxity, lay, lay, layer, laying out, cut-purse, cut-throat, cutting, cutting, flattering, flattery, flatulence, flaunt, flaunting, flavour, jog, join, joiner, joinery, joint, jointly, joke, life blood, life-giving, life exile, lifeless, jeopardise, jeopardy, jerk, jerkin, jest, jester, jestingly, jet, abode, abolish, abolition, abominable, abominably, abominate, country, countryman, country-side, countrywoman, county, couple, suspicious, suspiciously, suspiciousness, sustain, sustenance, deportment, depose, deposit, deposition, depositor, depository, unacquainted, unadapted, unadorned, unadulterated, unaffected, merry-making, mesh, mess, message, messenger, Suppl. panacea, pander, pander, healing, health, healthily, healthiness, healthy, heap, hear, hear hear, heard, unfavourably, unfeathered, unfeeling, unfeelingly, In such a case I have put in brackets after the word a reference to the passage in which it occurs. well-doer, well-doing, well done, well-favoured, well-furnished, transcription, transfer, transferable, transference, controvertible, incontrovertibly, inconvenience, inconvenient, participate in, participating in, participation, particle, superfluously, superhuman, superimpose, superinduce, poisoner, poisoning, poisonous, poke, pole, pole-axe, pole-cat, irreparable, irreparably, irrepressible, irrepressibly, paddle, paddock, paean, page, pageant, pageantry, pail, pain, pain, painful, space, spacious, spaciousness, spade, span, spangle, spangled, apiece, apocryphal, apologist, apologise, apolgue, apology, untrodden, untroubled, untrue, untruly, untrustworthiness, unparalleled, unpardonable, unpatriotic, unpeopled, unperceived, commune with, communicable, communicate, communication, impervious, impetuosity, impetuous, impetuously, impetuousness, Pantacyas, Panticapeum, Paphlagonia, Paphos, Papirius, Paralus, everybody, every one, everything, everywhere, evict, eviction, properly, property, prophecy, proximity, prudence, prudent, prudently, prudery,, prudish, hugeness, hulk, hulking, hull, hum, human, humane, humanely, H.G. asylum, at, atheist, Phil. sutlers, suture, suzerain, suzerainty, swaddle, swaddling pontifex, pontoon, pony, pool, poop, poor, poorly, poorness, flawlessly, flax, flaxen, flay, flea, flecked, fledged, inventive, inventiveness, inventor, inventory, inventress, instrumentality, insubordinate, insubordination, insufferable, iniquitous, iniquitously, iniquity, initial, initiate, woeful, woefully, woefulness, wold, wolf, wolfish, woman, concupiscence, concupiscent, concur, concurrence, concurrently, determination, determine, determined, deterrent, deterring, manage, manageable, management, manager, mandate, mandrake, whorl, whosoever, why, wick, wicked, wickedly, wickedness, unfermented, unfettered, unfilial, unfinished, unfit, unfitness, clandestinely, clang, importunity, impose, imposing, imposingly, imposition, spicy, spider, spigot, spike, spiked, spill, Thesm. perilously, period, periodical, periodically, perish, boiling, boisterous, boisterously, boisterousness, bold, boldly, sea-tossed, sea-urchin, sea-washed, sea-water, sea-weed, joker, joking, jokingly, jollity, jolly, jolt, jostle, jostling, indistinguishably, indite, individual, individuality, Hellanicus, Helle, Hellen, Hellenic, Hellespont, Helos, Helot, unsay, unscathed, unscientific, unscrupulous, unscrupulously, screech-owl, screen, screw, screw up, scribble, scribbler, punctiliously, punctiliousness punctual, punctuality, parricidal, parricide, parrot, parry, parsimonious, stimulant, stimulate, stimulation, stimulative, stimulus, sting, stingily, enticing, enticingly, entire, entirely, entitle, undisguised, undisguisedly, undismayed, undisputed, undistinguishable, Hiempsal, Hiero, Hieronymus, Hierophon, Himera, Hipparchus, hopelessly, hopelessness, hoplite, horde, horizon, horizontal, drawers, drawing, drawn, dray, dread, dreadful, dreadfully, quotation, quote, quoth, rabble, rabid, rabidly, race, open-hearted, opening, openly, open-mouthed, graciously, graciousness, unbefitting, unbefriended, unbegotten, unbeknown, unbelief, nicety, niche, nick, nickname, niece, niggardly, niggardliness, birth-place, birthright, bisect, bit, bitch, bite, biting, overshadowing, overshoot, oversight, overspread, overstate, unvaryingly, unveil, unveiled, unversed in, unvexed, unviolated, cedar, cede, ceiling, celebrate, celebrated, celebration, misuse, mite, mitigate, mitigating, mitigation, mix, mixed, joy, joyful, joyfully, joyless, savour of , savour, savoury, saw, sawdust, sawn, sawyer, say, selection, self, self-abasement, self-command, self-complacency, oppressiveness, opprobrious, opprobriously, opprobrium, optical, recollect, recollection, recommend, recommendation, recompense, out of, outpost, outpour, outpouring, outrage, outrage, imploring, imply, impolicy, impolite, impolitely, impoliteness, munificent, munificently, munitions of war, murder, murderer, murdering at, atheist, steadiness, steady, steal, stealing, stealth, stealthily, eine wiederholte Handlung in der Gegenwart ausdrückend: jedesmal dann, wann; Hom. unswayed, unswept, unswerving, unswervingly, unsworn, damnable, damning, damp, dampness, damsel, dance, dancer, Herculaneum, Hercules, Hermes, Hermione, Hermippus, Hermocrates, servant, hired service, hired soldier, hireling, hiring, machina, devastate, devastation, devastator, develop, diversity, divert, diverted, diverting, divertingly, divest, divide, dividing, childless, childlessness, child's play, chill, chilliness, Heraclidae well-behaved, well-being, well-born, well-bred, well-disposed, Oeta, Oileus, Olen, Olenus, Olorus, Olpae, Olympia, Olympias, jubilation, judge, judgment, judgment hall, judicial, lugubriously, lugubriousness, luke-warm, luke-warmly, unsuitability, unsuitable, unsuitably, unsullied, unsung, incredulity, incredulous, incredulously, incredulousness, arithmetical, retch, retching, retention, retentive, reticence, antediluvian, antelope, anterior, anthem, antics, anticipate, towered, towering, to wit, town, town clerk, town council, town perspicacity, perspicuity, perspicuous, perspiration, perspire, generality, generally, generalship, generate, generating, inadequacy, inadequate, inadequately, inadmissible, uneasiness, uneasy, unedifying, uneducated, unembarrassed, originality, originally, originate, originator, orison, cheering, cheerless, cheese, cheesemonger, cheeseparing, glaringly, glass, glassy, glazed, gleam, gleaming, glean, glebe, Athena, Athenagoras, Athens, Athos, Atlantic, Atlas, Atossa, arithmetician, ark, arm, armada, armament, armed, arming, Hipp. pronunciation, proof, prop, propaganda, gaunt, gauntlet, gauntness, gauze, gay, gaze, gazelle, gear, Ilium, Illyrian, Imbros, Inachus, Inaros, India, Ino, Insubres, retort, retouch, retrace, retract, retraction, retreat, retrench, retrenchment, ungrounded, ungrudging, ungrudgingly, unguarded, unguardedly, cursed, cursorily, cursory, curt, curtail, curtly, curtness, declared, decline, decline, declivity, baulk, bawl, bay, bay, bayonet, bazaar, immigration, imminent, immoderate, immoderately, immodest, exchange, exchange, It has not been my intention to supply any but the bare outlines of grammatical information. intend, rearing, rearward, reason, reason, reasonable, lameness, lament, lamentable, lamentably, lamentation, lamp, S. C. WOODHOUSE, M.A. See more. tether, tetrarch, text, textile, texture, than, thane, thank, English-Greek dictionary Hardcover – 1 Jan. 1932 by S. C. Woodhouse (Author) 4.3 out of 5 stars 4 ratings. A vocabulary of the Attic language. Interpretation Translation Pindar. impending, impenetrable, impenetrably, impenitence, impenitent, inconsistency, hastiness, hasty, hat, hatch, hatchet, inconclusively, incongruity, incongruous, incongruously, Phoen. nest, nestle, nestling, net, nether, nethermost, nettle, my, myriad, myrmidons, myrrh, myrtle, myrtle berry, myrtle irreproachable, irreproachably, irresistible, irresolute, isolate, isolated, isolation, issue, isthmus, itch, itinerant, tail, tailor, tailoring, taint, tainted, take, taking, tale, tale unrewarded, unrighteous, unrighteously, unrighteouness, unripe, brazen, brazen-armed, brazen-backed, brazen-beaked, predispose, predominance, predominant, predominate, tacit, tacitly, taciturn, taciturnity, tack, tacking, tackle, couch, cough, council, council-hall, councillor, counsel, counsellor, Choe. fortitude, fortress, fortuitously, fortunate, fortunately, It has not been my intention to supply any but the bare outlines of grammatical information. offend, offender, offensive, offensively, offensiveness, offer, offer, offering, only is the context so often essential for defining shades of disadvantageously, disaffected, disaffection, disagree, fuel, fugitive, fulfill, fulfilled, fulfilment, fulgent, full, full, fuller, retrogression, retrospect, return, returning, curule, curve, curved, curvet, curving, cushat, cushion, immortal, immoralise, immortality, immortally, immovable, bandy, bane, baneful, bang, bangles, banish, banished, restorative, restore, restorer, restrain, restraint, discourtesy, discover, discoverable, discoverer, discovery, Poenicia, Phoenix, Pholoe, Phorbas, Phorcys, Phormio, Phrixus, Thestius, Thetis, Thimbron, Thisbae, Thisbe, Thoas, Thrace, Thrysybulus, contemner, contemplate, contemplation, contemplative, Phoenissae locomotion, locust, lodge, lodging, lodging house, loft, nurture, nurturing, nut, nutriment, prophesy, prophet, prophetess, prophetic, prophetically, excavated, anniversary, annotation, announce, announcement, announcer, eastwards, east wind, easy, easy-tempered, eat, eatable, sixteenth, sixth, sixtieth, sixty, size, skein, skeleton, dimness, dimple, din, dine, dinginess, dingle, dingy, acidity, acknowledge, acknowledgment, acme, acorn, acquaint, respond, respondent, response, responsibility, responsible, divination, divine, divinely, diviner, diving, divinity, venomous, venomously, vent, vent hole, ventilate, venture, venture, venturer, navigable, navigate, navigation, navigator, puissant, pule pull, pullet, pulley, pulsate, pulsation, pulse, forcible, elsewhither, ellucidate, elucidation, elude, emaciated, apportionment, apposite, appositely, appraise, appreciable, undercurrent, underestimate, undergird, undergo, underground, currently, curricle, curry, curse, irreligious, irreligiously, irremediable, irremediably, obtuseness, obviate, obvious, obviously, obviousness, occasion, Lyrnesus, Lysander, Lysias, Lysicles, Lysimachus, Lysippus, difference, different, differentiate, differently, difficult, unceasingly, uncensured, uncertain, uncertainty, unchallenged, treasonable, treasure, treasure overlay, overload, overlook, overlooked, overlooking, overlord, molar, mole, molest, molestation, mollify, molten, moment, taxable, taxation, tax-collecting, tax-collector, teach, brotherless, brotherly, brow, brow-beat, brown, browse, typically, typify, tyrannical, tyrannically, tyrannise, wine skin, wing, winged, wingless, wink, unthinking, unthinkingly, unthrifty, untidily, untidiness, $32.00. assiduously, assign, assignee, assignment, assimilate, fungus, funnel, funnily, funny, fur, furbish, furious, churlishly, churlishness, cicatrix, cincture, cinder, cinerary, ramble, rambling, ramblingly, ramification, ramming, rampant, predict, prediction, predilection, danger, dangerous, dangerously, dangle, dangling, dank, false, falsehood, falsely, falseness, false prophet, false George Routledge & Sons, Limited Broadway House, Ludgate Hill, E.C Greek dictionary: both English to dictionary... 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