They assess what causes deserts, rain forests, savannahs, tundras and saguaros and how... Have your class create a PowerPoint presentation on ecology using this resource. Students determine the importance of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) and how it can be restored in coastal regions. State Invasive Species Lists . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * There is no definitive estimate of the total yearly cost of invasive species on our way of life Estimates range in the millions to billions of dollars For example, leafy spurge, an unpalatable European plant invading Western rangelands, caused losses of $110 million in 1990 The spread of fire-adapted … - alien - non-native They study how the mute swan effects native species. Students watch a Video: Renewable Energy:... Students practice skills essential to all scientific investigation: carefully observing and collecting data. To reinforce the concept, have them research one or more examples of non-native species, such as soybeans, that are not invasive species. 2. The videos, appropriate for in class or remote learning, use... Lionfish, a species of fish introduced into the Atlantic, have been so successful that to keep their population normal, two percent of their population would need to be killed every month! DNA Detectives: Protecting Endangered Species For this lesson, students will be U.S. Students compile the samples into a... Students explore biological impact by completing a worksheet in class. Now learn about how out-breeding also leads to the same result. In this forestry lesson, students complete a variety of activities where they learn the basic parts of a tree and their functions. Using this information, they analyze the invasive species effect on their environment. Find Invasive species lesson plans and worksheets. In this exploratory lesson students hypothesize why shrimp are on the decline and make a brochure or poster showing their results. USDA: Invasive Species Information Center—United States, National Invasive Species Information Center, Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health, U.S. Department of Agriculture: National Invasive Species Information Center, accidentally moving them; for example, through transportation or trade, or by moving firewood from one location to another, purposely introducing them to help control a native species that is considered a pest; for example, to control pests that destroy crops, importing ornamental plants to buy or sell. An invasive species is a non-native species that is harmful to an ecosystem. Students discuss the possible impacts of zebra mussels on the Hudson river. species. In this continental drift lesson plan students study exotic species and explain the mussel invasion. After watching West of the West's documentary Island Rotation, class members use Venn diagrams to compare endemic species on the Channel Islands with mainland related species. Non Native Species: English Ivy-Landscape Plant or Deadly Killer? They review the theory of evolution and factors found to help create variation. Your class will give examples of human and natural activity that has damaged coastal resources, and then describe 3 restoration projects and they describe 3 ways people can... Young scholars explore, experience and experiment identifying the human impact on the environment of vegetative differences within the same biome. They use data, pictures and more to supplement... Students present information about a species, its niche, and adaptations. In this Ranger Rick worksheet, students read a Ranger Rick articles and complete a graphic organizer that requires them to compare invasive and native species. Viewers take a Crash Course in Ecology with a 12-video collection that takes a look at where organisms come from, how they interact, and how they influence their environments. The Burmese python is on the loose ... and he's hungry! Pupils examine several sources of information to determine if there is a... After reading about the Lake Erie water snake and the change in its population after the introduction of the round goby in 1990, young ecologists graph water snake diet data. In these reading skills worksheets, 5th graders use the cover story about plant species to complete the chart and then answer the 4 questions. In the activity, middle school learners explore invasive species by studying their impacts on ecosystems and... Learners identify invasive species to the Great Lakes and analyze their impact on the ecosystem. In this human impact on the environment worksheet, students fill in the blanks to complete sentences about how humans have negatively affected the environment. Terms of Service | Invasive Species By Alexander Fairchild And Nathan McMahon Please turn off cell phones and write your name(s), school, Unique survival strategies of invasive species. Young scientists simulate the behavior of an invasive species with a game-like activity. They can listen to the different sounds frogs make and the different types of frogs. They research the gulf and create a food web. Zebra Mussel: This mussel attaches itself to boats, and has spread because of boats moving between different bodies of water. if a group is In this science lesson plan, students investigate events that have harmed coastal resources and how human activity has restored coastal resources. Students learn what invasive species are, reasons they are introduced to new locations, and how invasive species harm ecosystems. If you have questions about licensing content on this page, please contact [email protected] for more information and to obtain a license. If you have questions about how to cite anything on our website in your project or classroom presentation, please contact your teacher. In this invasive species lesson, students create a graphic organizer to record their findings. In this ecology worksheet, students study a fact sheet on invasive mussels. survive The tale of the restoration of California's Channel Islands begins with a video that details the devastation of Santa Cruz island by the introduction of species that are not native to the region. Students are able to identify the benefits and drawbacks of different types of alternative energies. to Invasive Species” PowerPoint presentation to familiarize yourself with invasive species. Choose an invasive species from the list below. I'm a sap for tree jokes. that will increase public awareness about the … Students become scientists as they learn about the EAB and walk through the process of science in a fun, hands-on way! types of . Musical chairs may be a classic game, but Ruffe Musical Chairs is a unique lesson on invasive species! Invasive species are bullies in nature They chase out all our native plants and animals Invasive species include animals (even fish), plants, and micro-organisms that are introduced by human action 3. They then apply knowledge of... After cutting down a forest to make a farm, how long would it take the environment to turn an abandoned farm back into a forest? Learners explore population growth, discuss potential issues associated with the world's growing population, evaluate public policy in the area of population growth, and create population pyramids. In 2003, there was an unprecedented decline in the population of Blue Mud Shrimp up in Oregon. After research is complete, they compile their information and create a WANTED poster... Students explore the ethics related to invasive plant species. Download Invasive Species 3: Invasive Species Action Plan. Learners use research they have done on the imbalances between predators and prey to create a presentation. They learn about basic plant needs. Students study the differences between native and non-native species, and how there are problems created when non-native species are introduced. “Invasive Species” “…an alien [non-native] species whose introduction does or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health.” (E.O. Brainstorm questions about how invasive species cause harm to their new environments. For information on user permissions, please read our Terms of Service. (Species Diversity and Invasive Species) Christopher Dobson, Professor Department of Biology, Grand Valley State University & Alicia Bennett (GVSU Teacher Graduate) NGSS Middle School Performance Expectations MS-LS2-2. Eighth graders explain the impact of exotic species to an ecosystem. They describe how some invasive species came to be invasive and discuss what can be done about... Students compare and contrast "alien species" and "invasive species. © 1996 - 2021 National Geographic Society. a species, the more likely it will . They then plot the results in a line-graph. Construct an explanation that predicts patterns of interactions among organisms across multiple ecosystems. Sometimes our kids grow like weeds. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. They answer 8 short answer questions about it after reading the provided information. Privacy Notice | Students explore the concept of environmental stewardship. a type of plant or animal that is not indigenous to a particular area. Students are able to properly set up a study plot, measure and... Research the proliferation of zebra mussels and their effects on local bodies of water. Provide students with the following examples of invasive animal species in the United States: Have students go to the USDA website and click on your state to see the invasive species in your area. For this outdoor education lesson plan, students read each article and complete an activity at the end. By monitoring the area, they prevent the spread of weeds through early detection. They discuss implications of changes on marsh birds using data... Students explore the ways native species interact in a healthy Chesapeake Bay. It should be listed on the . Make sure students understand that not all non-native species are invasive and harmful. Raise awareness of global ocean health issues through guided research,... How do ecosystems react to change over time? In this invasive species lesson plan, students watch a video and research an invasive species and create the WANTED poster about it. Task: Have students select an invasive species found in their state that is considered a “State Specific Threat.” After selecting a species, guide students to design and create a multimedia educational outreach product (video, poster, PowerPoint, etc.) When ants touch antennas with each other, they exchange information about which jobs they need to complete. They find invasive species in their area and create a pamphlet for the community about it. It covers what they are, how they travel, how they harm the environment, and what we as humans can do to help stop the spread of invasive species. Although it is helpful, Wikipedia is not a source that you can cite as … Text on this page is printable and can be used according to our Terms of Service. They get a brief overview of different types of alternative energies used in Wisconsin. They prepare a lab activity... Students study submerged aquatic vegetation and its importance in ecosystems. Students explore, examine and reflect on challenges facing produce farmers. They discuss any questions at the end of the lesson plan. In groups, they conduct Internet research on a topic related to the Great Lakes. They identify and tag exotic invasive species in a local area using invasive species flash cards at a provided website. The largest concentration of free-roaming wildlife in the continental United States is found in Yellowstone National Park. Students work in groups of three to provide constructive feedback on a classmate's paper. In this ecosystem observation activity, students identify the native species that exist in an exotic land such as Hawaii and the impact of invasive plants, insects and... Students collect terrestrial invertebrates using a home made pit fall-style trap. Using photo cards with pictures and facts, young scientists work in small groups to match invasive species with their corresponding... Invasive species can remind us of a horror film! They describe three ways alien plants species affect native populations of plants and animals. Students observe populations and determine the functions (e.g., decomposers, producers, consumers) they serve in an ecosystem. In fact, there may be an invasive organism right in your backyard! In this reading comprehension worksheet, learners answer questions about different topics including species, temples, and animals. This lack of predators often causes some wicked problems in the place it colonizes. They clarify their own values related to exotic invasive species and In this critical thinking lesson, students study how invasive animals can change an environments population. methods of transport and directions of spread, explain reasons why a non-native species might be introduced to a new location, describe some of the consequences of introducing a non-native species, Tech Setup: 1 computer per classroom, Projector. We suggest setting up They eliminate local ants, even those that are more... A few tiny western pine beetles bring down giant ponderosa pine trees every year. High schoolers are examine the purpose of dichotomous keys. They identify the factors that can cause species to become endangered. Students devise and conduct a survey at their school to discover what the students like to do in forests. Learners listen to an online story... Fifth graders explore how invasive species affect the Great Lakes. INVASIVE SPECIES CURRICULUM FOR MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION. Maritime Shipping on the Great Lakes and the Link to the Lake Erie Water Snake, Invasive Plants: Impact on Environment and People, Using Pit Fall Traps to Collect Terrestrial Invertebrates and Possible Urban Forest Invasive Species, Changing Biological Communities – Disturbance and Succession, Becoming the Great Lakes Invasive Species Czar: A Game to Show the Difficulty in Controlling Invasive Species, Student Peer Review Through a Discussion Board to Develop an Invasive Species Paper, Impact of Invasive Species on Food Webs and Ecosystems, Maritime Shipping on the Great Lakes and the Lake Erie Water Snake, 2003 AP® Environmental Science Free-Response Questions, 2010 AP® Environmental Science Free-Response Questions, Natural Inquirer Lesson Plan "Goldifinch and the Three Scales", From Salmonberry to Sagebrush - Exploring Oregon’s Native Plants, These Crazy Cute Baby Turtles Want Their Lake Back, Nonvascular and Simple Vascular Plants: Mosses to Ferns. They discover why the land, too, is very vulnerable and susceptible to human disturbances. It includes ecosystem services, the importance of biodiversity, deforestation,... Scientists rely heavily on data to make predictions and find solutions. Students are taught that invasive plant removal can have a variety of impacts. If a media asset is downloadable, a download button appears in the corner of the media viewer. Invasive Species as a global threat to biodiversity. In this invasive species lesson plan, students read 7 articles about invasive species and how to stop them. environment where an organism lives throughout the year or for shorter periods of time. Invasive plants or animals can have a profound impact on ecosystems. Lesson Objectives: In this lesson, students learn how invasive species threaten ecosystems and negatively impact native organisms. If possible, take students outside and help them to identify trees or vegetation and whether or not each is native/non-native, harmful/not harmful, or invasive. Students study droughts and how they affect communities and coastal ecosystems. Using the time-honored game, pupils role play the behaviors of the invasive fish called Eurasian ruffe. Illustrate the differences between causative and correlative relationships through an inquiry lesson plan. Andean Pampas Grass: This grass is native to the northern Andes, but is now a common weed near the California coast. In this scientific method instructional activity, students analyze data from an article, write their own informational article and express what they have learned. ... (High School and Middle School) 9-12 Data Exploration & NOS, Hudson River Ecology. Students will enter observations into a citizen science database, such as WyoBio website. They play a game that demonstrates why having a rich variety of life is important to the survival of ecosystems and how invasive species are threatening local biodiversity. Biology Novato High School Ecology Unit Invasive Species Project 1. They use their identification key, and invasive plant species flash cards to identify and dig up exotic invasive species in a preselected The more . Learners in the lower grade levels explore the concepts of water pollution, apex predators, the worth of animals, and commercial fishing methods. 3.21 Invasive Species. Slides (7 minimum) 1. "Students explain positive and negative impacts associated with introduction of non-native species, and give a specific example of species that produce t. Students work in pairs and read an article about the pacific tree frogs being knocked out by the nonnative trout. They research three problems that might be associated with invasive species. Student note-taking worksheet aligned with PowerPoint Presentation. You might be wondering, how do these species get to their new location? The phrase think globally, act locally inspires scholars to address pollution. Page 3 of 30. Students research how alien species can change an ecosystem. In this data analysis lesson, students conduct a snail examination experiment utilizing live pouch snails. The best way to understand a persuasive argument is to engage in one. Hemlock Trees and the Pesky Pest, The Woolly Adelgid. This unit focuses on the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) and the issues surrounding this invasive insect. In this science lesson, 5th graders research invasive species and create a food chain involving the invasive species. 1. Middle School Curriculum LESSON ONE LAB 1.4 SEABIRD NESTING WORKSHEET Student Name: Date: Instructions: Based on the information gathered for the Seabird Fact Sheets and the Seabird Nesting Maze, assign one of the nesting habitats from the list below to each species in the table. 1145 17th Street NW Students explore invasive species. Name(s) of presenters, Name of organism and a Picture of organism. Seventh graders define vocabulary terms and provide examples of non-indigenous species. The sixth and final installment in the volume of activities challenges research groups to tackle one of six major topics that impact ocean health. They consider scenarios related to air pollution, invasive... Students are able to use a secchi disk to measure the turbidity of water by determining the depth at which the sechi disk is no longer visible and using the data in a formula to quantify the results. o However, they will not be able to take the associated quiz. Students research the damage to the environment by certain plant species. Sustainability Policy | In this biology lesson, students read a Natural inquirer article and then summarize the article. Students investigate factors (.g., Resources, light, water) that... Students create an educational pamphlet on the origins, spread and impact of invasive plant species in their community. Students discuss the relationship between habitat, environmental changes, and invertebrate diversity or... students discuss the importance of light and the consequences of living without it. and demonstrates a partnership between zoos and the environment around them. The... High schoolers are taught how to format and enter data into an Excel spreadsheet. Teachers use this lesson plan before teaching students about collecting insects or plants. The in-depth study... Western pond turtles struggle to survive in areas with high pollution and invasive species. Students observe a variety of sounds which can be heard within their schoolyard habitat by sitting quietly by themselves for five minutes, listening, and then recording the sounds around them by drawing them. Discuss examples of invasive animal species in the United States. Tell students that introducing a non-native species to a new ecosystem can have negative consequences—the species may become an invasive species, or a species that causes harm to the new environment.2. Students explore the life cycle of coqui frogs and discover how these frogs have become an invasive species in Hawaii. Topics include biotic and abiotic factors, biodiversity,... Tenth graders examine different invasive species in Lake Michigan. Compare and contrast the characteristics of fresh and salt water marshes. Allopatric speciation? What Role Do Forest Play in Continuing or Renewing Our Planet's Resources? Students create a class big book using the "I Spy" game format and adding 3 clues to help readers guess the areas of a naturalization project. After learning about what an invasive species is, and why they cause problems, take your class outside (or to the gym) and have... Students explore the environment by identifying invasive species. They locate the oceans on a map and identify positive and negative ways in which humans have impacted them. Pupils read articles about invasive species and how they spread. Young scientists explore how invasive species are so destructive to native biodiversity. Young scholars become scientists as they analyze information presented to them to construct responses. They press them into a journal while identifying them according to species. Washington, DC 20036, National Geographic Society is a 501 (c)(3) organization. Show your class how natural and man-made factors affect the organisms in an area using the guidelines in a video about standard LS2C. t- Thoughtful thinkers identify several species that have been relocated by human intervention and the reasons for that intervention. Students view maps of vegetation change on Iona Island. They define the differences between exotic and native while looking at one specific ecosystem in Maryland. They research the connection between people and the environment as it applies to the Niger River. They are shown this by using graphs. Eighth graders identify the Great Lakes, and describe the habitat of life of a loon. They identify and classify birds within their local area. Students study the impact that invasive species have on biodiversity and more natural areas. Students work in groups to investigate the species in varying habitats.... Get Free Access See Review What Would Happen If Every Human Suddenly Disappeared? some will . They write how the exotic species are considered... Students study patterns of population growth in an ecosystem and why populations must remain in balance. to familiarize yourself with invasive species. Students are able to describe the purpose of National Parks and Monuments. When you reach out to him or her, you will need the page title, URL, and the date you accessed the resource. Scholars study this exact scenario while they interpret many charts and graphs of the changing ecosystems as... Students research Coqui frogs. A 50-slide presentation covers both nonvascular and vascular plants. Students review the geography of the Great Lakes and explore their importance in depth. Helping students understand the dangers of nonnative species is an important part of ecology and environmental science lessons. Eleventh graders identify the parts of an ecosystem and how communities change over time. They complete sentences about the actions taken to reduce and repair the... Students complete a worksheet while viewing a video about the oceans. Meet the South American palm weevil, an insect that spends its entire life cycle destroying palm trees.... More than 127 non-native species live in Glacier National Park in Montana and their infestations are growing! Native Species - The Effect of an Invasive Species on an Ecosystem - The Small Asian Mongoose Case Study - Controlling Invasive Species - 5 Extreme Invasive Species. There … For this forestry lesson, students utilize a GPS to mark a certain area of the woods as their study area for the remainder of the year.... Students compare a variety or bird characteristics. When allowed to proliferate, they can kill off indigenous plant or animal life, causing whole natural habitats to change. After getting to the... Students research and investigate invasive species, with specific focus on the exotic plant Phargmites australis and its impact on Piermont Marsh near the community of Piermont, New York. Learners practice field identification of exotic invasive species. Students practice field identification of exotic invasive species. In 1859, an Australian farmer introduced 24 rabbits to his farm, but within 10 years, hunters were annually killing two million rabbits with little impact on the overall population—that's quite an invasion! With no predators, these invaders can out-compete local fauna and flora, and then disrupt the balance of the ecosystem. Classmates compare an exponential model to a linear model, then consider the real-life implications. They are able to use Vernier probes... Sixth graders investigate the Bahamas through presentations and charts. Ask: What do you think might happen if a species is moved out of its native habitat and into a new environment? Snakehead Fish: This fish was released into the wild from fish markets and has established a population in the wild. As learners answer questions, they click on links to additional information. In this problem, young mathematically minded marine biologists need to study the fish population by analyzing data over time. Join your class as they observe plants competing for space and nutrients. In this animal population lesson, students utilize river rocks and jars to conduct a coqui frog population role play activity. An invasive species is an organism that is not native to an ecosystem, and thus has no natural predators in that environment. The class obtains zebra mussels and examines them, identifying their basic structures. Students discuss how the environment is affected by... Students write a 15 page children's story about an invasive species in Wisconsin. In this species analysis lesson, students observe invasive species and review the impact the species have on the environment. Code of Ethics. Humans constantly change the earth by building things, using natural resources, and relocating plants and animals. It... Students review Excel and how to create graphs with this program. Students participate in hands-on activities and discussions about Minnesota's agriculture. Students explore the research process. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) offers you the most comprehensive information about the natural water cycle anywhere. In groups, they experiment... Young scholars are taught how to format and enter data into an Excel spreadsheet. If you are looking for a instructional activity about invasive species to ocean habitats, you have arrived! type of plant or animal that is not indigenous to a particular area and causes economic or environmental harm. PowerPoint Presentation. Examples of various native species and the impact they have on an ecosystem. Emphasize to students that prevention and early detection are extremely important to stop invasive species from threatening our ecosystems and resources. State Science Olympiad website – hopefully the state will put a link to the state resources on their website for you. *ALL CONTENT, NO FLUFF*This PowerPoint is a great first lesson for your students on invasive species. Students work in groups to investigate the species in varying habitats.... Students study exotic and native species, and examine how exotic species can impact native ones. Students research the various things threatening forest life. The narrator discusses the changes in buildings and... Ecology class members research an invasive (non-native or exotic) plant or animal. Learners examine a parcel of open land to collect data about the native and invasive plants found there. community and interactions of living and nonliving things in an area. Impact humans have impacted them discuss examples of accidental species spread as as... On animal environments, students watch a video about the native species it will compare... learners explore biology researching. 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